dsp进不了Enulator 请问以下是什么原因造成的,请高人指点
(测到:sysClk正常,tck tdi正常,无tdo,而且clkout不稳定)
Error connecting to the target: Error 0x80000240/-291 Fatal Error during: Initialization, OCS, This error was generated by TI's USCIF driver.
SC_ERR_TST_MEASURE <-291> The built-in scan-path length measurement has failed. This indicates that the JTAG controller cannot reliably communicate with the target DSP's and micro-controllers at that frequency. Try specifying the scan-path lengths in the board configuration file because the built-in scan-path reliability tests cannot be performed without knowledge of the scan-path length.
Sequence ID: 0 Error Code: -291 Error Class: 0x80000240
Board Name: C6455 XDS560 Emulator Cpu Name: C6400PLUS_0
Abort: Close Code Composer Studio. Retry: Try to connect to the target again. Cancel: Remain disconnected from the target Diagnostic: Run diagnostic utility.