function compute () {
if (CheckInputs ()) {
var f = document.theForm;
// constants
var degreesToRadians = 3.1416 / 180.0000;
var radiansToDegrees = 180.0000 / 3.1416;
var feetToMeters = 1.0000 / 3.2800;
var degreeMinutesToDecimal = 1.0000 / 60.0000;
var degreeSecondsToDecimal = 1.0000 / 3600.0000;
// retrieve input values
var inputLongitude = f.inputLongitude.value;
var inputEastWest = f.inputEastWest.options[f.inputEastWest.selectedIndex].text;
var inputLatitude = f.inputLatitude.value;
var inputNorthSouth = f.inputNorthSouth.options[f.inputNorthSouth.selectedIndex].text;
var inputElevation = f.inputElevation.value;
var inputFeetMeters = f.inputFeetMeters.options[f.inputFeetMeters.selectedIndex].text;
var inputMonth = f.inputMonth.options[f.inputMonth.selectedIndex].text;
var inputDate = f.inputDate.options[f.inputDate.selectedIndex].text - 0;
var inputYear = f.inputYear.options[f.inputYear.selectedIndex].text - 0;
var inputTime = f.inputTime.value;
var inputAMPM = f.inputAMPM.options[f.inputAMPM.selectedIndex].text;
var inputTimeFormat = f.inputTimeFormat.options[f.inputTimeFormat.selectedIndex].text;
var inputTimeZone = f.inputTimeZone.options[f.inputTimeZone.selectedIndex].value - 0;
var inputDaylight = f.inputDaylight.options[f.inputDaylight.selectedIndex].text;
var inputZeroAzimuth = f.inputZeroAzimuth.options[f.inputZeroAzimuth.selectedIndex].value - 0;
// convert longitude and latitude to decimal from DMS if necessary
if (inputLongitude.indexOf("d") != -1) {
degMarker = inputLongitude.indexOf("d");
minMarker = inputLongitude.indexOf("m");
secMarker = inputLongitude.indexOf("s");
longitudeDeg = inputLongitude.substr(0,degMarker) - 0;
longitudeMin = inputLongitude.substr(degMarker+1,minMarker-degMarker-1) - 0;
longitudeSec = inputLongitude.substr(minMarker+1,secMarker-minMarker-1) - 0;
inputLongitude = longitudeDeg + (longitudeMin * degreeMinutesToDecimal) + (longitudeSec * degreeSecondsToDecimal);
else { inputLongitude -= 0; }
if (inputLatitude.indexOf("d") != -1) {
degMarker = inputLatitude.indexOf("d");
minMarker = inputLatitude.indexOf("m");
secMarker = inputLatitude.indexOf("s");
LatitudeDeg = inputLatitude.substr(0,degMarker) - 0;
LatitudeMin = inputLatitude.substr(degMarker+1,minMarker-degMarker-1) - 0;
LatitudeSec = inputLatitude.substr(minMarker+1,secMarker-minMarker-1) - 0;
inputLatitude = LatitudeDeg + (LatitudeMin * degreeMinutesToDecimal) + (LatitudeSec * degreeSecondsToDecimal);
else { inputLatitude -= 0; }
// check validity of input values
var validInputTime = true;
// avoid math errors due to latitude or longitude = 0
if ((inputLatitude == 0) && (f.inputLatitude.value.length > 0)) { inputLatitude = 0.000000001; }
if ((inputLongitude == 0) && (f.inputLongitude.value.length > 0)) { inputLongitude = 0.000000001; }
// check which input fields were filled in by user
var timeEntered = (inputTime != "");
var latitudeEntered = (inputLatitude != "");
var longitudeEntered = (inputLongitude != "");
// convert input strings to numbers
inputLatitude = inputLatitude - 0;
inputLongitude = inputLongitude - 0;
inputElevation = inputElevation - 0;
// determine time formats
var clockTimeInputMode = (inputTimeFormat == "时钟时");
var lsotInputMode = (inputTimeFormat == "太阳时");
// determine what's do-able
var doableDeclination = true;
var doableEOT = true;
var doableClockTime = ((longitudeEntered || clockTimeInputMode) && timeEntered);
var doableLSOT = ((longitudeEntered || lsotInputMode) && timeEntered);
var doableHourAngle = (longitudeEntered && timeEntered);
var doableSunRiseSet = (longitudeEntered && latitudeEntered);
var doableAltitude = (longitudeEntered && timeEntered && latitudeEntered);
var doableAzimuth = (longitudeEntered && timeEntered && latitudeEntered);
// //////////// //
// //////////// //
// longitude east-west adjustment
if (longitudeEntered) {
var signedLongitude = inputLongitude;
if (inputEastWest == "东") signedLongitude *= -1; // [0] = east, [1] = west
// latitude north-south adjustment
if (latitudeEntered) {
var signedLatitude = inputLatitude;
if (inputNorthSouth == "南") signedLatitude *= -1; // [0] = north, [1] = south
// calculate daylight savings time adjustment
var daylightAdjustment = 0;
if (inputDaylight == "Yes") daylightAdjustment = 1;
// convert elevation units if necessary
if (inputFeetMeters == "feet") { inputElevation *= feetToMeters; }
// set zero azimuth
zeroAzimuth = inputZeroAzimuth;
// local standard time meridian
var meridian = inputTimeZone * -15;
// convert input time to hours after midnight
if (validInputTime) {
// ...remove semicolon from time string if necessary
inputTime = RemoveSemicolon (inputTime);
// ...parse time input string and get hours and minutes
if (inputTime.length == 4) { // like "1234"
timeHours = inputTime.substring(0,2) - 0;
timeMinutes = inputTime.substring(2,4) - 0;
else { // like "123"
timeHours = inputTime.substring(0,1) - 0;
timeMinutes = inputTime.substring(1,3) - 0;
// ...adjust for AM/PM designation
if ((inputAMPM == "上午") && (timeHours == 12)) timeHours = 0;
if (inputAMPM == "下午") { if (timeHours != 12) timeHours += 12; }
// ...calculate clock minutes after midnight
var inputHoursAfterMidnight = timeHours + timeMinutes / 60.0;
var inputMinutesAfterMidnight = timeHours * 60.0 + timeMinutes;
// calculate Universal Time
var UT = 0.0;
if (validInputTime) { UT = inputHoursAfterMidnight - inputTimeZone - daylightAdjustment; }
var monthNum = (MonthStringToMonthNum (inputMonth)) - 0;
if (monthNum > 2) {
correctedYear = inputYear;
correctedMonth = monthNum - 3;
else {
correctedYear = inputYear - 1;
correctedMonth = monthNum + 9;
var t = ((UT / 24.0) + inputDate + Math.floor (30.6 * correctedMonth + 0.5) + Math.floor (365.25 * (correctedYear - 1976)) - 8707.5) / 36525.0;
var G = 357.528 + 35999.05 * t;
G = NormalizeTo360 (G);
var C = (1.915 * Math.sin (G * degreesToRadians)) + (0.020 * Math.sin (2.0 * G * degreesToRadians));
var L = 280.460 + (36000.770 * t) + C;
L = NormalizeTo360 (L);
var alpha = L - 2.466 * Math.sin (2.0 * L * degreesToRadians) + 0.053 * Math.sin (4.0 * L * degreesToRadians);
var GHA = UT * 15 - 180 - C + L - alpha;
GHA = NormalizeTo360 (GHA);
var obliquity = 23.4393 - 0.013 * t;
var declination = Math.atan (Math.tan (obliquity * degreesToRadians) * Math.sin (alpha * degreesToRadians)) * radiansToDegrees;
f.outputDeclination.value = FormatFloatString (declination);
var eotAdjustment = (L - C - alpha) / 15.0; // EOT adjustment in hours
f.outputEOT.value = FormatFloatString (eotAdjustment);
if (doableLSOT || doableClockTime) {
var clockTimeToLSOTAdjustment = ((signedLongitude - meridian) / 15.0) - eotAdjustment + daylightAdjustment; // in hours
var solarHourAngle = 0;
if (clockTimeInputMode) { solarHourAngle = GHA - signedLongitude; }
else { solarHourAngle = 15 * (inputHoursAfterMidnight - 12); }
solarHourAngle = NormalizeTo180 (solarHourAngle);
var apparentSolarTime = 0;
if (clockTimeInputMode) { apparentSolarTime = NormalizeTo24 (12 + solarHourAngle / 15.0); }
else { apparentSolarTime = inputHoursAfterMidnight; }
if (doableLSOT) {
if (clockTimeInputMode) {
solarMinutesAfterMidnight = inputMinutesAfterMidnight - (clockTimeToLSOTAdjustment * 60.0);
var whichDay = 0;
if (solarMinutesAfterMidnight < 0) { // it's the day before
solarMinutesAfterMidnight += 24 * 60;
whichDay = -1;
if (solarMinutesAfterMidnight >= 24 * 60) { // it's the next day
solarMinutesAfterMidnight -= 24 * 60;
whichDay = 1;
else {
solarMinutesAfterMidnight = inputMinutesAfterMidnight;
whichDay = 0;
solarTime = MinutesToClockTime (solarMinutesAfterMidnight, inputAMPM);
if (whichDay == "-1") f.outputLSOT.value = solarTime + "-";
if (whichDay == "0") f.outputLSOT.value = solarTime ;
if (whichDay == "1") f.outputLSOT.value = solarTime + "+";
else { f.outputLSOT.value = ""; }
if (doableClockTime) {
var clockMinutesAfterMidnight = inputMinutesAfterMidnight;
if (lsotInputMode) { clockMinutesAfterMidnight = inputMinutesAfterMidnight + (clockTimeToLSOTAdjustment * 60.0); }
var whichDay = 0;
if (clockMinutesAfterMidnight < 0) { // it's the day before
clockMinutesAfterMidnight += 24 * 60;
whichDay = -1;
if (clockMinutesAfterMidnight >= 24 * 60) { // it's the next day
clockMinutesAfterMidnight -= 24 * 60;
whichDay = 1;
clockTime = MinutesToClockTime (clockMinutesAfterMidnight, inputAMPM);
if (whichDay == "-1") f.outputClockTime.value = clockTime + "-";
if (whichDay == "0") f.outputClockTime.value = clockTime ;
if (whichDay == "1") f.outputClockTime.value = clockTime + "+";
else { f.outputClockTime.value = ""; }
// hour angle
if (doableHourAngle) {
var hourAngle = (solarMinutesAfterMidnight - 12 * 60) / 4 * -1;
f.outputHourAngle.value = FormatFloatString (hourAngle);
else { f.outputHourAngle.value = ""; }
// altitude angle
if (doableAltitude) {
var altitudeAngle = radiansToDegrees * ArcSin (
(Math.sin (signedLatitude * degreesToRadians) *
Math.sin (declination * degreesToRadians)) -
(Math.cos (signedLatitude * degreesToRadians) *
Math.cos (declination * degreesToRadians) *
Math.cos ((solarHourAngle + 180) * degreesToRadians)));
f.outputAltitude.value = FormatFloatString (altitudeAngle);
else { f.outputAltitude.value = ""; } |