本帖最后由 sinanjj 于 2010-7-30 18:06 编辑
(极度暴晕, 看来看去原来yagarto是windows下使用的......我*!)
YAGARTO - Yet another GNU ARM toolchain
YAGARTO - 迟早要NB的另一个GNU ARM 工具组
Why another GNU ARM toolchain?
为什么会有这个GNU arm 工具组?
Initially I was searching for a toolchain with the following features:
劳资开始就想找一个好用点的工具组(当然是gcc的), 至少得:
- not based on Cygwin
- 别让俺还装cygwin....这么大块头的东西...
- works with Eclipse
- 能集成eclipse
- cheap for the beginners
- 便宜. 俺科研教学用!
I found some native Windows toolchains based on MinGW, but the GDB of these toolchains doesn't work properly under Eclipse. That's why I decide to create a new toolchain suited for my requirements. YAGARTO was born (in 2006).
2006年, 劳资实在受不了啦, 一气之下, 就创造了YAGARTO.
YAGARTO is divided in three packages with the following components:
yagarto 有3个部分:
- JTAG debugger interface like the J-Link GDB Server or the Open On-Chip Debugger.
- JTAG 调试器. (俺用isp, 可以直接无视了)
- Binutils, Newlib, GCC compiler, and the GDB debugger
- 工具组, 库文件, gcc编译器, gdb调试器 (核心啊!)
- Eclipse Platform Runtime Binary, Eclipse CDT and CDT plugin for the GDB embedded debugging.
- eclipse 插件 (俺是VI的铁杆支持者, 直接无视!)
YAGARTO is a hobby project and supported only by the community. If you want a faster start, a smoother workflow and professional support, take a look at a commercial toolchain like CrossWorks for ARM.
YAGARTO 是俺业余爱好, 只有社区支持, 如果你想玩快的, 看看crossworks for arm.
(译者注: 俺的经验告诉俺: 这玩意高手业务弄的也比商业的好, 因为底层全开放, 潜力大!)
This page should be a contact point for the beginners which want to install and setup the YAGARTO toolchain for the first time. The tutorial is divided in three parts:
- GDB Server for J-Link EDU
- YAGARTO, native GNU ARM toolchain for windows
- YAGARTO and Eclipse
It is recomended to start with the GDB Server.
(1) GDB Server
How to download and install the windows version of the J-Link GDB Server which provide debugging for embedded target devices using the J-Link hardware. |