
vb 实时错误 溢出 6???????

yuyi21ic|  楼主 | 2010-11-18 19:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
实在找不出问题才到这请教啊!!下面的程序是我用单片机采集的数据传给串口,然后在上位机上做图像还原。单片机每次传送80个数据(采集的图像是80*80的),上位机收到80个数就传回一个02代表本次数据传输正确,然后用个80*80的二维数组盛放采集的数据。现在的问题是,只要我一点击Command3,,也就是调用Bayer to RGB的算法处理,就会弹出“实时错误 溢出 6”,可是我调试的时候发现每个Bayer的值都是小于255的啊,怎么会产生溢出错误呢?实在想不明白啊!!!!!!下面是程序:

Dim Bayer(0 To 79, 0 To 79) As Byte
Dim R As Byte, G As Byte, B As Byte
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer

'下面是bayer to RGB 的算法
Function BayerToRGB24(Column As Integer, Line As Integer) As Long 'Column,Line分别代表行 列
If (Column = 0 And Line = 0) Then
  R = Bayer(1, 1)
  G = (Bayer(1, 0) + Bayer(0, 1)) \ 2
  B = Bayer(0, 0)
ElseIf (Column = 79 And Line = 0) Then
  R = Bayer(79, 1)
  G = (Bayer(78, 1) + Bayer(79, 0)) \ 2
  B = Bayer(78, 0)
ElseIf (Column = 0 And Line = 79) Then
  R = Bayer(1, 79)
  G = (Bayer(0, 79) + Bayer(1, 78)) \ 2
  B = Bayer(0, 78)
ElseIf (Column = 79 And Line = 79) Then
  R = Bayer(79, 79)
  G = (Bayer(78, 79) + Bayer(79, 78)) \ 2
  B = Bayer(78, 78)
ElseIf (Line = 0 And (Column Or 0 And Column <> 79)) Then
  If (Column Mod 2 <> 0) Then '处理第一行偶数列的数据
  R = Bayer(Column, Line + 1)
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = (Bayer(Column + 1, Line) + Bayer(Column - 1, Line)) \ 2
  Else '处理第一行奇数列的数据
  R = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line + 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line + 1)) \ 2
  G = (Bayer(Column, Line + 1) + Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line)) \ 3
  B = Bayer(Column, Line)
  End If
ElseIf (Line = 79 And (Column <> 0 Or Column <> 79)) Then
  If (Column Mod 2 = 0) Then '处理最后一行奇数列的数据
  R = Bayer(Column, Line)
  G = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line) + Bayer(Column, Line - 1)) \ 3
  B = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line - 1)) \ 2
  R = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line)) \ 2
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = Bayer(Column, Line - 1)
  End If
ElseIf (Column = 0 And (Line <> 0 Or Line <> 79)) Then
  If (Line Mod 2 <> 0) Then
  R = Bayer(Column + 1, Line)
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = (Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 2
  R = (Bayer(Column + 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line + 1)) \ 2
  G = (Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line)) \ 3
  B = Bayer(Column, Line)
  End If
ElseIf (Column = 79 And (Line <> 0 Or Line <> 79)) Then
  If (Line Mod 2 <> 0) Then
  R = Bayer(Column, Line)
  G = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 3
  B = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column - 1, Line + 1)) \ 2
  R = (Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 2
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = Bayer(Column - 1, Line)
  End If
  If (Line Mod 2 <> 0) Then '偶数行
  If (Column Mod 2 <> 0) Then '偶数行偶数列
  R = Bayer(Column, Line)
  G = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line) + Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 4
  B = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column - 1, Line + 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line + 1)) \ 4
  Else '偶数行奇数列
  R = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line)) \ 2
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = (Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 2
  End If
  Else '奇数行
  If (Column Mod 2 <> 0) Then '奇数行偶数列
  R = (Bayer(Column, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column, Line + 1)) \ 2
  G = Bayer(Column, Line)
  B = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line)) \ 2
  Else '奇数行奇数列
  R = (Bayer(Column - 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line - 1) + Bayer(Column - 1, Line + 1) + Bayer(Column + 1, Line + 1)) \ 4
  End If
  End If
End If
End Function
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

For j = 0 To 79
  For i = 0 To 79
  Call BayerToRGB24(i, j)
  Picture1.PSet (i, j), RGB(R, G, B)
  Next i
Next j
’Picture2.Picture = LoadPicture("E:\文件\西华杯\航拍系统\VB上位机\white.bmp")
End Sub


Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
  Dim bytInput() As Byte
  Dim intInputLen As Integer
  Dim n As Integer
  Dim teststring As String
  Select Case MSComm1.CommEvent
  Case comEvReceive
  If Option1.Value = True Then
  MSComm1.InputMode = 1 '0:文本方式,1:二进制方式
  MSComm1.InputMode = 0 '0:文本方式,1:二进制方式
  End If
  intInputLen = MSComm1.InBufferCount
  bytInput = MSComm1.Input
  If Option1.Value = True Then
  For n = 0 To intInputLen - 1
  Bayer(x, y) = bytInput(n)
  x = x + 1
  If x = 80 Then
  x = 0
  y = y + 1
  If y = 80 Then
  ' y = 0
  MSComm1.RThreshold = 0 '禁止事件发生
  Picture2.Picture = LoadPicture("E:\文件\西华杯\航拍系统\VB上位机\red.bmp")
  End If
  End If
  Next n
  teststring = bytInput
  Text1.Text = Text1.Text + teststring
  End If
  Dim lens As Integer
  strSendText = "02"
  lens = strHexToByteArray(strSendText, bytSendByte())
  If lens > 0 Then
  MSComm1.Output = bytSendByte
  End If
  End Select
End Sub


yuyi21ic|  楼主 | 2010-11-18 19:30 | 只看该作者


diweo| | 2010-11-19 08:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 diweo 于 2010-11-19 08:42 编辑

不过没有错误处理语句。试着在适当位置添加on error resume next以确定到底是哪里出问题


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