IAR 5.41不再支持ORG伪指令,用什么替代呢?
org 0x00
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Absolute jump can reach 4 GByte
; b ?cstartup ; Relative branch allows remap, limited to 32 MByte
; Vectors can be enabled by removing the comments below or by
; using #pragma vector from C code.
org 0x04
; ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to undef_handler
org 0x08
; ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to swi_handler
org 0x0c
; ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to prefetch_handler
org 0x10
; ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to data_handler
org 0x18
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to irq_handler
org 0x1c
ldr pc,[pc,#24] ; Branch to fiq_handler |