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MCP2518FD PRO评估板:CANFD最高8M用户手册/原理图/参考代码等资料汇总分享 用户手册/原理图/参考程序等资料下载见附件,电脑登入
MCP2518FD:带SPI接口的外部CANFD控制器 MCP2518FD是一款经济高效且外形小巧的外部CAN FD控制器,可通过可用的SPI接口轻松添加到单片机中。 因此,CAN FD通道可以很容易地添加到缺少CANFD外设或没有足够CAN FD通道的单片机上。 MCP2518FD支持ISO11898-1:2015中规定的经典格式(CAN2.0B)和CAN灵活数据速率(CANFD)格式的CAN帧。
- 符合ISO11898-1:2015标准
- 支持CAN 2.0B和CAN FD
- 仲裁比特率高达1 Mbps
- 数据比特率高达8 Mbps
- 高达20 MHz的SPI时钟速度
- 31个FIFO可配置为发送或接收
- 32个灵活的滤波器和掩码对象
- 一个传输队列
- 32位时间戳
- 总线运行状况诊断和错误计数器
- VDD:2.7V-5.5V
- 有功电流最大值:12 mA @ 5.5V,40 MHz CAN时钟
- 温度范围:-40°C至+ 150°C
- 封装:VDFN14(可湿性侧翼),SOIC14
- 低功耗模式电流: 10 uA,最大值
MCP2518FD Prois a completeCAN solution, which can be used as a control node in a CAN network. The Proboard™is used to provide the microcontroller (MCU) with unrestricted access to theCAN network bus. MCP2518FD Prois equipped with both the control logic and thephysical interface ICs. MCP2518FD Proprovides a reliable high-speed CANinterface to the MCU, providing multiple operating modes (CAN 2.0, CAN FD,Listen Only mode, Sleep and Low Power mode…), CAN bit stream processing(decoding and encoding of the CAN messages, error handling…), TX prioritizing,RX filtering, FIFO buffer, interrupt engine, and more. MCP2518FD proissupported by a mikroSDK compliant library, which includes functions thatsimplify software development. This Proboard™ comes as a fully tested product,ready to be used on a system equipped with the mikroBUS™ socket.