
TI TPS3860x0四路电压监视方案

tianyu01|  楼主 | 2011-12-6 12:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
TI 公司的TPS3860x0系列是四路电压监视器,具有可编程延迟(1.4ms到10s)和看门狗定时器, 监视电压大于0.4V,阈值精度0.25%,非常低的静态电流(12uA),主要用在模拟加序,所有的DSP和MCU应用, 所有的FPGA/ASIC应用.本文介绍了TPS3860x0系列主要特性,方框图, 典型应用电路,以及TPS386000 和TPS386040的评估模块主要特性,电路图和所用材料清单.

Quad Supply Voltage Supervisors with Programmable Delay and Watchdog Timer

The TPS3860x0 family of voltage supervisors can monitor four power rails that are greater than 0.4V with a 0.25% (typical) threshold accuracy. Each of the four supervisory circuits (SVS-n) assert a RESETn or RESETn output signal when the SENSEm input voltage drops below the programmed threshold. With external resistors, the threshold of each SVS-n can be programmed (where n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and m = 1, 2, 3, 4L, 4H).

Each SVS-n has a programmable delay before releasing RESETn or RESETn, and the delay time can be set from 1.4ms to 10s through the CTn pin connection. Only SVS-1 has an active-low manual reset (MR) input; a logic-low input to MR asserts RESET1 or RESET1.

SVS-4 monitors the threshold window using two comparators. The extra comparator can be configured as a fifth SVS to monitor negative voltage with voltage reference output VREF.

The TPS3860x0 has a very low quiescent current of 12&mciro;A (typical) and is available in a small, 4mm x 4mm, QFN-20 package.


4 Complete SVS Modules on 1 Silicon Platform

Programmable Delay Time: 1.4ms to 10s

Very Low Quiescent Current: 12µA typ

Threshold Accuracy: 0.25% typ

Adjustable Threshold Down to 0.4V

SVS-1: Manual Reset (MR) Input

SVS-4: Window Comparator or Low-Voltage Sensing with VREF (1.2V) Pin

Watchdog Timer with Dedicated Output

Well-Controlled RESETn Output During Power-Up

TPS386000: Open-Drain RESETn and WDO

TPS386020: Open-Drain RESETn and WDO

TPS386040: Push-Pull RESETn and WDO

TPS386060: Push-Pull RESETn and WDO

Package: 4mm x 4mm, 20-pin QFN


Analog Sequencing

All DSP and Microcontroller Applications

All FPGA/ASIC Applications

图1.TPS386000 方框图

图2.TPS386020 方框图

图3.TPS386040 方框图

图4.TPS386060 方框图



TPS386000/40EVM : Evaluation Module for TPS386000 and TPS386040

The TPS386000/40EVM provides the capabilities needed for supervising and sequencing four power supplies including one negative power supply. The EVM also provides an I2C interface for use with the TI USB-GPIO adapter.

TPS386000/40EVM 通用特性:

On board local power supply used to demonstrate the sequencing and supervision capabilities of the TPS3860x0.

Single 5V EVM supply input

4 rail on EVM and external sequencing

4 analog supervisors including one negative supervisor

USB interface for communication with on board TPS65055 power management unit.

图7.TPS386000/40 EVM 电路图(TPS386000/40)

图8.TPS386000/40 EVM 路图(TPS65055 本地电源)

TPS386000/40EVM 材料清单:


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