系统: ubuntu-12.04-desktop-i386.iso
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ pythonsudo apt-get install mercurialsudo apt-get install bzr
sudo apt-get install gdb valgrind sudo apt-get install gsl-bin libgsl0-dev libgsl0ldblsudo apt-get install flex bisonsudo apt-get install g++ gccsudo apt-get install tcpdumpsudo apt-get install sqlite sqlite3 libsqlite3-devsudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-devsudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-devsudo apt-get install vtun lxcsudo apt-get install uncrustifysudo apt-get install doxygen graphviz imagemagicksudo apt-get install python-pygraphviz python-kiwi python-pygoocanvas libgoocanvas-devsudo apt-get install libboost-signals-dev libboost-filesystem-dev
如果在执行上述指令时出现例如.......not found之类的错误提示,在终端下执行下述指令
sudo apt-get update
二、tutorial提供了 Using Mercurial和Using Tarball两种方法安装,我使用的是第一种方法
(1)One practice is to create a directory called repos in one’s home directory under which one can keep local Mercurialrepositories. Hint: we will assume you do this later in the tutorial. If you adopt that approach, you can get a copy of
ns-3-allinone by typing the following into your Linux shell (assuming you have installed Mercurial):
mkdir repos
cd repos
hg clone http://code.nsnam.org/ns-3-allinone
(2)After the clone command completes, you should have a directory called ns-3-allinone, the contents of which
should look something like the following:
(3) Go ahead and change into the ns-3-allinone directory you created when you cloned that repository. We are now
going to use the download.py script to pull down the various pieces of ns-3 you will be using.
Go ahead and type the following into your shell (remember you can substitute the name of your chosen release number
instead of ns-3-dev – like "ns-3.10" if you want to work with a stable release).
./download.py -n ns-3-dev
(4)After the download.py script completes, you should have several new directories under
Go ahead and change into ns-3-dev under your ~/repos/ns-3-allinone directory. You should see something
like the following there:
三、Building ns3也有两种方法:./build.py和./waf ,这里我使用的是./build.py
(1) Change into the directory you created in the download section above. If you downloaded using Mercurial you should
have a directory called ns-3-allinone under your ~/repos directory. If you downloaded using a tarball you
should have a directory called something like ns-allinone-3.13 under your ~/tarballs directory. Type the
./build.py --enable-examples --enable-tests
You will see lots of typical compiler output messages displayed as the build script builds the various pieces you
downloaded. Eventually you should see the following magic words:
四、Testing ns-3
(1)You can run the unit tests of the ns-3 distribution by running the ”./test.py -c core” script,
./test.py -c core
These tests are run in parallel by waf. You should eventually see a report saying that,
This is the important message.
You will also see output from the test runner and the output will actually look something like,
五、Running a ScriptWe typically run scripts under the control of Waf. This allows the build system to ensure that the shared library paths
are set correctly and that the libraries are available at run time. To run a program, simply use the --run option in
Waf. Let’s run the ns-3 equivalent of the ubiquitous hello world program by typing the following:
./waf --run hello-simulator
Waf first checks to make sure that the program is built correctly and executes a build if required. Waf then executes
the program, which produces the following output.
搞定收工了,,,头都搞晕了,不知道那个图片顺序是不是正确的,反正后面就是按照教程上的来,,虽然是全英文的,但是很好看懂,各位加油哦 |