
SGM4703 2*40W D类音频功放

qiuzhixiang|  楼主 | 2022-6-16 17:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The SGM4703 is a high-power, high-efficiency, stereo
Class-D audio power amplifier with adjustable power limit
(APL) and automatic level control (ALC). It operates with a
wide range of supply voltages from 5V to 26V. With 24V
supply voltage, it can deliver 2 × 40W peak output power for a
pair of 8Ω speakers with 10% THD+N.
The high efficiency of SGM4703 extends battery life in playing
music and allows it to deliver an output power of 2 × 20W
without the need for a bulky heat sink on a two-layer system
board. Its high PSRR and low EMI emission reduce system
design and manufacturing complexities, as well as lower
system cost.
The SGM4703 features APL and ALC. The APL limits peak
audio outputs to a user-defined value to protect audio
speakers from excessive power dissipation or over-load. The
APL and ALC adjust the voltage gain of the audio amplifiers in
response to over-limit audio inputs, eliminating output clipping
distortion while maintaining a maximally allowed dynamic
range of audio outputs. The limiting voltage of APL and ALC
can be either a user-defined value or the supply voltage.
The SGM4703 can be configured into driving either a pair of
speakers in Bridge-Tied-Load (BTL) configuration for stereo
applications or a single speaker in Parallel BTL (PBTL)
configuration for mono applications.
The SGM4703 features two PWM modulation schemes for
Class-D audio amplifiers: Dual-Side-Modulation (DSM) and
Single-Side-Modulation (SSM).
In SGM4703, comprehensive protection modes against
various operating faults ensure its safe and reliable operation.
● Wide Range of Supply Voltages from 5V to 26V
● Adjustable Power Limit to Safeguard Audio Speakers
● Automatic Level Control to Eliminate Output Clipping
● Four Selectable Gain Settings: 20/26/30/34dB
● Three Selectable ALC Dynamic Characteristics
● Two Selectable PWM Frequencies with Optional
Spread-Spectrum: 360kHz and 500kHz
● Two Selectable Modulation Schemes: SSM and DSM
● Optional PBTL Configuration for Mono Applications
● Peak Output Power in Non-ALC
 2 × 40W (VDD = 24V, 8Ω + 33μH, BTL, THD+N = 10%)
 2 × 32W (VDD = 24V, 8Ω + 33μH, BTL, THD+N = 1%)
 80W (VDD = 24V, 4Ω + 33μH, PBTL, THD+N = 10%)
 64W (VDD = 24V, 4Ω + 33μH, PBTL, THD+N = 1%)
● ALC Output Power (THD+N < 0.5%) in ALC
 2 × 30W (VDD = 24V, 8Ω + 33μH, BTL)
 2 × 21W (VDD = 15V, 4Ω + 33μH, BTL)
 60W (VDD = 24V, 4Ω + 33μH, PBTL)
● Wide ALC Dynamic Range: 12dB (VDD = 12V)
● Low THD+N: 0.02% (VDD = 24V, 8Ω + 33μH, PO = 20W/Ch)
● High PSRR: 80dB at 1kHz with SSM
● Protection Modes against Various Operating Faults
Including Under-Voltage, Over-Voltage, Over-Current,
Over-Temperature, and DC-Detect
● Available in a Green TSSOP-28 (Exposed Pad)


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