

xutang|  楼主 | 2023-4-17 22:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
ce, ICE, ic, pi, pic
本帖最后由 xutang 于 2023-4-17 23:01 编辑

    首先我们要构建一个放大倍数等于1的东西,输入等于多少输出等于多少。在LTspice help 如图1所示。选择LTspice Simulator
    在图2里面选择 Circuit Elements,他会给你展示一些基本的元件,这基本都是SPICE通用的,有些可能不是通用的,建议去看下标准的SPICE支持哪些开头的,在这里我们选择电压敏感电压源(voltage dependent voltage),他的描述如下所示。
  E. Voltage  Dependent Voltage Source  Symbol  Names: E, E2
  There are  three types of voltage-dependent voltage-source circuit elements.
  Syntax:  Exxx n+ n- nc+ nc- <gain>
  This  circuit element asserts an output voltage between the nodes n+ and n- that  depends on the input voltage between nodes nc+ and nc-. This is a linearly  dependent source specified solely by a constant gain.
  Syntax:  Exxx n+ n- nc+ nc- table=(<value pair>, <value pair>, ...)
  A look-up  table is used to specify the transfer function. The table is a list of pairs  of numbers. The second value of the pair is the output voltage when the  control voltage is equal to the first value of that pair. The output is  linearly interpolated when the control voltage is between specified points.  If the control voltage is beyond the range of the look-up table, the output  voltage is extrapolated as a constant voltage of the last point of the look-up  table.
  Syntax:  Exxx n+ n- nc+ nc- Laplace=<func(s)>
  + [window=<time>] [nfft=<number>] [mtol=<number>]

  The  transfer function of this circuit element is specified by its Laplace  transform. The Laplace transform must be a function of s. The frequency  response at frequency f is found by substituting s with sqrt(-1)*2*pi*f. The  time domain behavior is found from the impulse response found from the  Fourier transform of the frequency domain response. LTspice must guess an  appropriate frequency range and resolution. The response must drop at high  frequencies or an error is reported. It is recommended that LTspice first be  allowed to make a guess at this and then check the accuracy by reducing  reltol or explicitly setting nfft and the window. The reciprocal of the value  of the window is the frequency resolution. The value of nfft times this  resolution is the highest frequency considered. The Boolean XOR operator,  "^" is understood to mean exponentiation "**" when used  in a Laplace expression.
  Syntax:  Exxx n+ n- value={<expression>}
  This is an alternative syntax of the behavioral source, arbitrary behavioral  voltage source, B.

  Syntax:  Exxx n+ n- POLY(<N>) <(node1+,node1-) (node2+,node2-)+ ...  (nodeN+,nodeN-)> <c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 ...>
  This is an  archaic means of arbitrary behavioral modeling with a polynomial. It is  useful for running legacy opamp models.
  Note: It is  better to use a G source shunted with a resistance to approximate an E source  than to use an E source. A voltage controlled current source shunted with a  resistance will compute faster and cause fewer convergence problems than a  voltage controlled voltage source. Also, the resultant nonzero output  impedance is more representative of a practical circuit.

  .SUBCKT --  Define a Subcircuit  As an aid  to defining a circuit, repetitive circuitry can be enclosed in a subcircuit  definition and used as multiple instances in the same circuit. Before the  simulation runs, the circuit is expanded to a flat netlist by replacing each  invocation of a subcircuit with the circuit elements in the subcircuit  definition. There is no limit on the size or complexity of subcircuits.
  The end of  a subcircuit definition must be a .ends directive.
  Here is an  example using a subcircuit:
  * This is the circuit definition
  X1 a b 0 divider
  V1 a 0 pulse(0 1 0 .5μ .5μ 0 1μ)
  * this is the definition of the subcircuit
  .subckt divider n1 n2 n3
  r1 n1 n2 1k
  r2 n2 n3 1k
  .tran 3
  Which runs  after expanding to
* Expand X1 into two resistor network
  r:1:1 a b 1k
  r:1:2 b 0 1k
  v1 a 0 pulse(0 1 0 .5μ .5μ 0 1μ)
  .tran 3μ
  Note that  unique names based on the subcircuit name and the subcircuit definition  element names are made for the circuit elements inserted by subcircuit  expansion.
       大概意思就是*是注释,在.subckt后面跟随的divider是模块的名称,n1 n2 n3是引出的网络节点名称。根据以上信息咱们就可以构建一个gain=1的子电路模块。
*this is  IND901 spice model
*          Device name
*          |     OPA IN-
*          |     |  OPA IN+
*          |     |   |   OPA OUT
*          |     |   |   |
.subckt IND901 IN- IN+  OUT REF+ REF-
E1 REF+ OUT  IN+ IN- 1




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