使用命令行进行软件的烧写工作,下载命令的格式,比如说可以使用st-flash erase对芯片进行擦除
whs@whs-hp:~/Downloads$ st-flash
invalid command line
stlinkv1 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--format <format>] [--flash=<fsize>] {read|write} /dev/sgX <path> <addr> <size>
stlinkv1 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] /dev/sgX erase
stlinkv2 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--reset] [--serial <serial>] [--format <format>] [--flash=<fsize>] {read|write} <path> <addr> <size>
stlinkv2 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--serial <serial>] erase
stlinkv2 command line: ./st-flash [--debug] [--serial <serial>] reset
Use hex format for addr, <serial> and <size>.
fsize: Use decimal, octal or hex by prefix 0xXXX for hex, optionally followed by k=KB, or m=MB (eg. --flash=128k)
Format may be 'binary' (default) or 'ihex', although <addr> must be specified for binary format only.
./st-flash [--version]
example write option byte: ./st-flash --debug --reset --area=option write 0xXXXXXXXX
example read option byte: ./st-flash --debug --reset --area=option read > option_byte