Self Test
The sensor provides a self te st feature that allows the
verification of the mechanical and electrical integrity of the
accelerometer at any time before or after installation. This
feature is critical in applicat ions such as hard disk drive protection where system integrity must be ensured over the
life of the product. Customers can use self test to verify the
solderability to confirm that th e part was mounted to the PCB
correctly. To use this feature to verify the 0g-Detect function,
the accelerometer should be held upside down so that the
z-axis experiences -1g. When the self test function is
initiated, an electrostatic force is applied to each axis to
cause it to deflect. The x- an d y-axis are deflected slightly
while the z-axis is trimmed to deflect 1g. This procedure
assures that both the mechanical (g-cell) and electronic
sections of the accelerometer are functioning.
看了半天都没看明白到底是加高电平还是加低电平还是这么个操作,或者加了高电平以后对三个输出进行检测。When the self test function is
initiated。。。怎么样initiate啊。。泪奔啊 |