The 9400A has been built around the powerful 68000 microprocessor which is used by the unit to perform computations and control oscilloscope operation.
ADCs and Memories 2.3 The 9400A’s two identical input channels are equipped with a I00 megasample/second (megasample/sec), 8-bit ADC and a 32 kiloword acquisition memory (See Figure 2.1). This dual ADC architecture ensures absolute amplitude and phase correlation, maximum ADC performance for both single and dual channel acquisition modes, large record lengths and high time resolution. The 9400A’s two 32K acquisition memories simplify transient capture by providing very long waveform records that capture waveform features even when trigger timing is uncertain. In addition, very accurate time measurement is made possible by a digitally controlled zoom providing an expansion factor of up to I00 times the time base speed. The 9400A oscilloscope is capable of acquiring and storing repetitive signals at a Random Interleaved Sampling rate of 5 gigasamples/second (gigasamples/sec). An exclusive high-precision time digitizing technique enables measurement of repetitive signals to a bandwidth of 175 MHz at an effective measuring interval of 200 psec.