现在在调fpga控制dds的程序,wclk,8位data,freq_ud的时序都没问题,但就是出不来波形,请高手指点 程序如下 --0x40000000 library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity dds_source is port(clk :in std_logic; fpga_reset :in std_logic; B_dir :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); B_oe :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data :out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); wclk :out std_logic; dds_reset :out std_logic; freq_ud :out std_logic ); end dds_source;
architecture behavior of dds_source is signal clkdiv :std_logic:='1'; begin B_dir <= "00000000"; B_oe <= "00000000"; process(clk) variable clkcnt :std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin if clk'event and clk='1' then if clkcnt="00000001" then clkcnt := (others=>'0'); clkdiv <= not clkdiv; else clkcnt := clkcnt+1; end if; end if; end process; process(clkdiv) variable count :integer range 0 to 15; variable cnt :integer range 0 to 5; begin if fpga_reset='0' then wclk <= '0'; freq_ud <= '0'; count := 0; cnt := 0; elsif clkdiv'event and clkdiv='0' then case count is when 0 => data <= "00000000"; if cnt=2 then wclk <= '1'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=4 then wclk <= '0'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=5 then count := 1; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if; when 1 => data <= "01000000"; if cnt=2 then wclk <= '1'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=4 then wclk <= '0'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=5 then count := 2; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if; when 2 => data <= "00100000"; if cnt=2 then wclk <= '1'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=4 then wclk <= '0'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=5 then count := 3; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if; when 3 => data <= "00010000"; if cnt=2 then wclk <= '1'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=4 then wclk <= '0'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=5 then count := 4; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if;
when 4 => data <= "00001000"; if cnt=2 then wclk <= '1'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=4 then wclk <= '0'; cnt := cnt+1; elsif cnt=5 then count := 5; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if; when 5 => data <="00000000"; if cnt=5 then count := 6; cnt := 0; freq_ud <= '0'; else cnt := cnt+1; freq_ud <= '1'; end if; when 6 => dds_reset <= '1'; if cnt=5 then count := 0; cnt := 0; else cnt := cnt+1; end if; when others => count :=0; end case; end if; end process; end behavior;