zhangmangui 发表于 2014-1-15 14:46 
看了 CMD中不存在这个地址
OnReset(int nErrorCode)
OnRestart(int nErrorCode)
/* CCS will call OnRestart() when you do a Debug->Restart and */
/* after you load a new file. Between running interrupt based */
/* programs, this function will clear interrupts and help keep */
/* the processor from going off into invalid memory. */
IER = 0;
IFR = 0;
OnFileLoaded(int nErrorCode, int bSymbolsOnly)
F28027_Memory_Map(); /* Initialize the CCS memory map */
/* Check to see if CCS has been started-up with the DSP already */
/* running in real-time mode. The user can add whatever */
/* custom initialization stuff they want to each case. */
if (GEL_IsInRealtimeMode()) /* Do real-time mode target initialization */
// Note: This case never executes with the simulator
else /* Do stop-mode target initialization */
// Note: This case never executes with the simulator
/* F28027 Memory Map */
/* */
/* Note: M0M1MAP and VMAP signals tied high on '28027 core */
/* */
/* 0x000000 - 0x0003ff M0 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x000400 - 0x0007ff M1 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x000800 - 0x001fff Peripheral Frame0 (PF0) (Data only) */
/* 0x005000 - 0x005fff Peripheral Frame3 (PF3) (Data only) */
/* 0x006000 - 0x006fff Peripheral Frame1 (PF1) (Data only) */
/* 0x007000 - 0x007fff Peripheral Frame2 (PF2) (Data only) */
/* 0x008000 - 0x008fff L0 SARAM (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3d7800 - 0x3d7fff OTP (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3d7c80 - 0x3d7cbf Device Cal (TI OTP) (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3d7cc0 - 0x3d7cff Boot Get Mode (TI OTP) (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3d7fff - 0x3d7fff PARTID value (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3f0000 - 0x3f7fff FLASH (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3f8000 - 0x3f8fff L0 SARAM Mirror (Prog and Data) */
/* 0x3fe000 - 0x3fffff BOOT ROM (Prog and Data) */
menuitem "Initialize Memory Map";
hotmenu F28027_Memory_Map()
/* Initialize M0M1MAP and VMAP input signals high */
M0M1MAP_IN = 1; /* Maps M0 and M1 to same Prog/Data addr */
VMAP_IN = 1; /* Vectors fetched from 0x3fffc0-0x3fffff */
/* The OTP, FLASH/ROM, and BOOT ROM memory maps are defined as */
/* writeable by GEL_MapAdd so that the debugger can load code */
/* into them. The simulator configuration file defines these */
/* memory blocks as flash or ROM which prevents the application */
/* from writing to them. */
/* Program memory maps */
GEL_MapAdd(0x0,0,0x400,1,1); /* M0 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x400,0,0x400,1,1); /* M1 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x8000,0,0x1000,1,1); /* L0 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7800,0,0x400,1,1); /* OTP */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7c80,0,0x040,1,1); /* Device Cal */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7cc0,0,0x040,1,1); /* Boot Get Mode */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7fff,0,0x001,1,1); /* PARTID value */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3f0000,0,0x8000,1,1); /* FLASH */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3f8000,0,0x1000,1,1); /* L0 SARAM Mirror */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3fe000,0,0x2000,1,1); /* BOOT ROM */
/* Data memory maps */
GEL_MapAdd(0x0,1,0x400,1,1); /* M0 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x400,1,0x400,1,1); /* M1 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x800,1,0x1800,1,1); /* PF0 */
GEL_MapAdd(0x5000,1,0x1000,1,1); /* PF3 */
GEL_MapAdd(0x6000,1,0x1000,1,1); /* PF1 */
GEL_MapAddStr(0x7000,1,0x1000,"R|W|AS2",0); /* PF2 */
GEL_MapAdd(0x8000,1,0x1000,1,1); /* L0 SARAM */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7800,1,0x800,1,1); /* OTP */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7c80,1,0x040,1,1); /* Device Cal */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7cc0,1,0x040,1,1); /* Boot Get Mode */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3d7fff,1,0x001,1,1); /* PARTID value */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3f0000,1,0x8000,1,1); /* FLASH */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3f8000,1,0x1000,1,1); /* L0 SARAM Mirror */
GEL_MapAdd(0x3fe000,1,0x2000,1,1); /* BOOT ROM */
menuitem "Addressing Modes";
hotmenu C28x_Mode()
ST1 = ST1 & (~0x0100); /* AMODE = 0 */
ST1 = ST1 | 0x0200; /* OBJMODE = 1 */
hotmenu C24x_Mode()
ST1 = ST1 | 0x0100; /* AMODE = 1 */
ST1 = ST1 | 0x0200; /* OBJMODE = 1 */
hotmenu C27x_Mode()
ST1 = ST1 & (~0x0100); /* AMODE = 0 */
ST1 = ST1 & (~0x0200); /* OBJMODE = 0 */