本帖最后由 yuankuo84 于 2014-11-23 20:51 编辑
6.2.6 纹波测量标准JEITA-RC9131
Japan Electronics Information Technology Association
The ripple exists because, during aportion of the converter’s operating cycle, energy is transferred to thesecondary from the primary and the output voltage increases slightly. Duringthe time interval when there is no energy transfer to the secondary, the loadcurrent is supplied by stored energy in the output capacitance and inductanceof the converter, and the output voltage decreases slightly as this energy isdepleted. Ripple is a low frequency component and will be occur at the same asthe converter。 纹波是由于开关导通和关断期间电容的充放电引起的电压波动;是一个低频成分,与开关周期或调整周期同步。 Noise is much more variable andharder to predict than ripple. It is caused by ringing in parasitic inductancesdue to the large values of di/dt that occur internally in a switchingconverter. The noise is much higher frequency than the ripple and can be upinto the MHz range. Noise occurs in the form of “bursts” at the time ofswitching activity in the converter, so therefore appears to be superimposedupon the peaks and valleys of the ripple waveform as shown in Fig 1. 噪声是开关管的导通和关断瞬间产生的的高di/dt所引起的,是高频成分。 |