本帖最后由 pszcmzcm 于 2015-6-29 12:40 编辑
新人求助schematic 综合的一点问题
在综合后 technology schematic中 有数个LUT(如图所示)感觉没有意义属于资源浪费
input output
0 0
1 1
考虑了一下应该是VHDL编写上的问题,大学中虽然涉及了FPGA 也 在Tutorial 中 学了基本的VHDL编写,但对于此类问题还是感觉无从下手,现在自学并为Msc准备中,希望大牛能告知一下解决方法和原理
code为简单的双向交通灯(FSM based)
具体如下:library IEEE;
entity Traffic_light is
port(clk:in std_logic;
Test: in std_logic;
Standby:in std_logic;
R1,Y1,G1:out std_logic;
R2,Y2,G2:out std_logic);
end Traffic_light;
architecture Behavioral of Traffic_light is
constant time_max :integer := 2700;
--The frequency of Clk is 60Hz--
constant time_RG :integer := 1800;
--time of light change from red & green(s)--
constant time_RY :integer := 300;
--time of light change from red & yellow(s)--
constant time_GR :integer := 2700;
--time of light change from green & red(s)--
constant time_YR :integer := 300;
--time of light change from yellow & red(s)--
constant time_test :integer := 60;
--time for test mode(s)--
type state is (state_RY,state_GR,state_YR,state_RG,state_YY);
signal Pr_state,Nx_state: state;
signal time: integer range 0 to time_max;
--lower section of state machine--
variable count: integer range 0 to time_max;
if (standby = '1') then
Pr_state <= state_yy;
elsif (clk'event and clk= '1') then
count := count +1;
if (count = time ) then
Pr_state <= Nx_state;
count := 0;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--upper section of state machine--
case pr_state is
when state_RY =>
R1 <= '1'; G1 <= '0'; Y1 <= '0';
R2 <= '0'; G2 <= '0'; Y2 <= '1';
Nx_state <= state_GR;
if (test = '0') then time <= time_RY;
else time <= time_test;
end if;
when state_GR =>
R1 <= '0'; G1 <= '1'; Y1 <= '0';
R2 <= '1'; G2 <= '0'; Y2 <= '0';
Nx_state <= state_YR;
if (test = '0') then time <= time_GR;
else time <= time_test;
end if;
when state_YR =>
R1 <= '0'; G1 <= '0'; Y1 <= '1';
R2 <= '1'; G2 <= '0'; Y2 <= '0';
Nx_state <= state_RG;
if (test = '0') then time <= time_YR;
else time <= time_test;
end if;
when state_RG =>
R1 <= '1'; G1 <= '0'; Y1 <= '0';
R2 <= '0'; G2 <= '1'; Y2 <= '0';
Nx_state <= state_RY;
if (test = '0') then time <= time_RG;
else time <= time_test;
end if;
when others =>
R1 <= '0'; G1 <= '0'; Y1 <= '1';
R2 <= '0'; G2 <= '0'; Y2 <= '1';
Nx_state <= state_RY;
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;