PCB设计与软件应用[Cadence Allegro、Mentor Pads、Altium Designer等]
今日: 1|主题: 19667|帖子: 113730 收藏 (227)
[PCB设计资料] 高速PCB设计指南(1-8部分)  ...2345
2025-1-10 15:10 86 25460
[PCB设计资料] 19份PCB叠层设计相关文档汇总 attach_img
2024-12-22 15:57 7 16022
[PCB设计资料] PCB设计布局资料 attach_img
2024-12-22 15:55 11 5732
[PCB设计资料] 11份高速PCB设计资料合集,高速信号文档手册汇总 attachment digest
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[PCB设计资料] 23份PCB材料/板材相关知识汇总 attach_img
2024-12-22 15:53 2 5798
[PCB设计资料] 硬件设计自学 attach_img
2024-12-22 15:51 11 4290
[PCB设计资料] 华为FPC(柔性电路板)设计规范 attach_img
2024-12-11 16:50 12 4729
[PCB设计资料] 28份PCB阻抗相关知识资料合集 attach_img
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[PCB设计资料] 18份其他PCB设计基础知识文档资料 attach_img
2024-12-10 20:49 10 6863
[PCB设计资料] 电子元器件封装大全,附有详细尺寸  ...23456..17
2024-12-10 20:22 326 52468
[PCB设计资料] attach_img
2024-12-10 20:07 0 1104
[PCB设计资料] PCB线路板的打样过程 attach_img
2024-12-10 17:20 1 1889
[PCB设计资料] 小白必读:PCB电路板小常识
2024-12-10 17:00 2 1709
[PCB设计资料] PCB设计秘籍 attachment
2024-12-10 16:58 1 1959
[PCB设计资料] Altium designer 封装库分享,某宝花12块买的~ attach_img  ...2
2024-12-1 11:26 43 18634
[PCB设计资料] (AD20)从原理图元件制作到PCB资料输出全过程视频课程 attach_img
2024-11-24 22:05 21 30373
[PCB设计资料] 深圳市迅安通科技单元电路layout设计指导 新人帖 attachment
2024-10-30 10:43 1 1260
[PCB设计资料] 新手必备-十天学会Altium Designer attach_img
2024-10-29 11:08 11 3673
[PCB设计资料] 与大家分享大量PCB设计资料 attach_img  ...23456..18
2024-10-1 00:45 341 42555
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574 and IPQ9570 - In-depth analysis of the core chips in Wi-Fi 7 motherboard design attach_img
2024-8-13 17:10 0 1145
[PCB设计资料] 贡献我历时半年整理的allegro库和焊盘 700多个器件,规则命名 attach_img agree  ...23456..14
2024-8-6 18:53 262 51370
[PCB设计资料] 关于PCB的一丁点资料---肯定有你想要的!打造最强贴! attachment agree  ...23456..35
2024-6-23 20:46 683 82454
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574, IPQ9554, and IPQ5322 Chips Performance Differences -WiFi 7 Solutions Technical Analysis attach_img
2024-5-29 10:10 0 1386
[PCB设计资料] 13份 电路前仿真(RTL仿真)文档资料 attach_img
2024-5-14 14:22 2 2389
[PCB设计资料] AD 视频教程 培训教材合集
2024-4-30 12:30 9 10352
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574 router CUP + QCN9274 RF module - ensure the security of Wi-Fi connection attach_img
2024-4-28 13:36 0 1016
[PCB设计资料] QCN9274 vs QCN9224 chip performance comparison-wireless communication innovation attach_img
2024-4-23 11:51 0 939
[PCB设计资料] 电工电子产品高低温测试项目及标准
2024-4-20 16:53 1 1539
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574 IPQ8072 support VLAN advantages. What difference between lan and vlan? attach_img
2024-3-13 10:06 0 844
[PCB设计资料] 选中bottomsolder层,为啥不在底层显示而背景是顶层?是哪里设置不对吗 attach_img
2024-3-7 18:43 4 958
[PCB设计资料] 三伍微电子GSR1351S 兼容替代SKY13351
2024-3-6 16:03 0 561
[PCB设计资料] 低成本玩转Linux开发板(基于NUC980双层板)原理图+PCB分享 attach_img
2024-2-21 16:04 10 1402
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574 and IPQ6010 WiFi7 and WiFi6 represent chips attach_img
2024-2-19 17:36 0 634
[PCB设计资料] IIOT-IPQ6010 WIFI router support-What is the relationship between VAP-AP-STA? attach_img
2024-1-12 15:43 0 646
[PCB设计资料] IIOT-IPQ6010 support mesh: Form a more powerful network - faster connections attach_img
2024-1-10 13:51 0 835
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574 VS IPQ5018|what's the difference only have 2.4G on board? attach_img
2024-1-8 17:46 0 618
[PCB设计资料] WiFi solution IPQ8072-IPQ8074 and network cards-5G attach_img
2024-1-5 11:32 0 782
[PCB设计资料] QCN6224 vs QCN9224 - as a WiFi7 card chip attach_img
2023-12-27 14:16 0 578
[PCB设计资料] IPQ9574-IPQ8072 also has 10G Ethernet port attach_img
2023-12-26 10:11 0 584
[PCB设计资料] 在芯片选择的时候是否也需要考虑芯片本身的 esd 问题?
2023-12-21 10:17 0 288
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