今日: 0|主题: 600|帖子: 5703 收藏 (4)
2014-7-12 12:20 0 1129
“Handsfree” 和 “headset” 有何区别 ? attach_img
2014-6-30 21:06 3 2406
2014-6-27 12:58 9 1925
2014-5-28 22:48 1 1465
2014-5-8 20:47 13 2171
fault tolerant:resistant to corruption from power supply events and errant code
2014-4-18 08:30 0 1451
just english
2014-4-15 23:55 15 2456
2014-3-31 11:19 1 1363
成长会让人明白,唯一后悔的只是那些自己不曾尝试的事。 attach_img
2014-3-14 15:17 7 2806
Hot, Cool, Yours! attach_img
2014-2-24 11:37 6 1544
So cool app,I think
2014-1-27 09:10 3 1535
duty cycle enforcement ratio的意思 attach_img
2014-1-16 10:30 9 2303
Happy new year!!!
2014-1-13 17:48 1 1144
请教关于ILI9320datasheet上的一句话,不懂 attach_img
2013-12-19 16:55 3 1658
每日一句 2013.08
2013-12-19 16:55 4 1766
每日一句 2013.03月
2013-12-19 13:46 17 1800
问个单词,  ...2
2013-12-19 13:45 20 3677
2013-11-29 23:18 5 1609
周末读英语—The 5th element
2013-11-29 13:51 2 1682
请问 “Sound、voice、speech”有何区别? attach_img
2013-11-27 21:43 9 6553
2013-11-14 17:54 15 2965
2013-11-1 17:22 0 1063
444句无敌口语  ...2
2013-10-28 17:27 38 7435
关于datasheet中的DISSIPATION RATING TABLE attach_img
2013-9-26 17:39 5 2000
3G - let North Korea is no longer mysterious
2013-9-26 12:55 2 1384
请教:“LED Driver Pads”是什么意思? attach_img
2013-9-25 23:17 2 1651
New semester, Are you ready? (转)
2013-9-24 22:01 3 1408
2013-9-23 15:00 2 1794
Phonetic Company Name 是什么意思?
2013-9-10 17:04 3 7588
“Voice Recognition”and“ Speech Recognition”?
2013-9-9 11:01 4 2018
2013-9-3 11:37 2 1460
Do Learn
2013-8-19 09:22 2 1461
电工专业英语啊, 看看能听懂多少?
2013-8-17 14:11 1 1476
工程师英语自学全思考 (转) agree  ...234
2013-8-13 14:06 69 13121
学好英语 向高薪奋斗  ...234
2013-8-5 13:07 73 11585
AWL英语大学最常用的词汇 attachment
2013-7-26 15:46 0 1500
每日一句 2013.07 Hope is itself a species of happiness
2013-7-26 00:05 15 1590
i always miss you!
2013-7-26 00:01 6 1814
2013-7-14 22:56 13 2528
每日一句 2013.06
2013-7-14 14:50 9 1450
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