[工具使用]ADS下的分散加载文件应用实例 imjacob 发表于 2007-1-18 21:27:00 ADS下的分散加载文件应用实例
load_region_name start_address | "+"offset [attributes] [max_size] { execution_region_name start_address | "+"offset [attributes][max_size] { module_select_pattern ["(" ("+" input_section_attr | input_section_pattern) (][","] "+" input_section_attr | "," input_section_pattern)) * ")"] } }
load_region: 加载区,用来保存永久性数据(程序和只读变量)的区域; execution_region: 执行区,程序执行时,从加载区域将数据复制到相应执行区后才能被正确执行; load_region_name: 加载区域名,用于“Linker”区别不同的加载区域,最多31个字符; start_address: 起始地址,指示区域的首地址; +offset: 前一个加载区域尾地址+offset 做为当前的起始地址,且“offset”应为“0”或“4”的倍数; attributes: 区域属性,可设置如下属性: PI 与地址无关方式存放; RELOC 重新部署,保留定位信息,以便重新定位该段到新的执行区; OVERLAY 覆盖,允许多个可执行区域在同一个地址,ADS不支持; ABSOLUTE 绝对地址(默认); max_size: 该区域的大小;
execution_region_name:执行区域名; start_address: 该执行区的首地址,必须字对齐; +offset: 同上; attributes: 同上; PI 与地址无关,该区域的代码可任意移动后执行; OVERLAY 覆盖; ABSOLUTE 绝对地址(默认); FIXED 固定地址; UNINIT 不用初始化该区域的ZI段; module_select_pattern: 目标文件滤波器,支持通配符“*”和“?”; *.o匹配所有目标,* (或“.ANY”)匹配所有目标文件和库。 input_section_attr: 每个input_section_attr必须跟随在“+”后;且大小写不敏感; RO-CODE 或 CODE RO-DATA 或 CONST RO或TEXT, selects both RO-CODE and RO-DATA RW-DATA RW-CODE RW 或 DATA, selects both RW-CODE and RW-DATA ZI 或 BSS ENTRY, that is a section containing an ENTRY point. FIRST,用于指定存放在一个执行区域的第一个或最后一个区域; LAST,同上; input_section_pattern: 段名;
汇编中指定段: AREA vectors, CODE, READONLY C中指定段: #pragma arm section [sort_type][[=]"name"]] [,sort_type="name"]* sort_type: code、rwdata、rodata、zidata 如果“sort_type”指定了但没有指定“name”,那么之前的修改的段名将被恢复成默认值。 #pragma arm section // 恢复所有段名为默认设置。 应用: #pragma arm section rwdata = "SRAM",zidata = "SRAM" static OS_STK SecondTaskStk[256]; // “rwdata”“zidata”将定位在“sram”段中。 #pragma arm section // 恢复默认设置 分散加载文件中定义如下: Exec_Sram 0x80000000 0x40000 { * (sram) }
“PI” 属性使用示例: LR_1 0x010000 PI ; The first load region is at 0x010000. { ER_RO +0 ; The PI attribute is inherited from parent. ; The default execution address is 0x010000, but the code can be moved. { *(+RO) ; All the RO sections go here. } ER_RW +0 ABSOLUTE ; PI attribute is overridden by ABSOLUTE. { *(+RW) ; The RW sections are placed next. They cannot be moved. } ER_ZI +0 ; ER_ZI region placed after ER_RW region. { *(+ZI) ; All the ZI sections are placed consecutively here. } }
LR_1 0x010000 ; The first load region is at 0x010000. { ER_RO +0 ; Default ABSOLUTE attribute is inherited from parent. The execution address ; is 0x010000. The code and ro data cannot be moved. { *(+RO) ; All the RO sections go here. } ER_RW 0x018000 PI ; PI attribute overrides ABSOLUTE { *(+RW) ; The RW sections are placed at 0x018000 and they can be moved. } ER_ZI +0 ; ER_ZI region placed after ER_RW region. { *(+ZI) ; All the ZI sections are placed consecutively here. } }
程序中对某区域地址等的引用方法: Load$$region_name$$Base Load address of the region. Image$$region_name$$Base Execution address of the region. Image$$region_name$$Length Execution region length in bytes (multiple of 4). Image$$region_name$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the execution region.
Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Base Execution address of the ZI output section in this region. Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Length Length of the ZI output section in bytes (multiple of 4). Image$$region_name$$ZI$$Limit Address of the byte beyond the end of the ZI output sectionin the execution region.
SectionName$$Base Input Address of the start of the consolidated section called SectionName. SectionName$$Limit Input Address of the byte beyond the end of the consolidated section called SectionName.
Load: 加载区,即存放地址; Image: 执行区,即运行地址; Base: 区首地址; Limit: 区尾地址; Length: 区长度; region_name: RO、RW、ZI、load_region_name、execution_region_name;
例如: “RAM1”区域的首地址: Image$$RAM1$$Base 上例中“sram”段首地址: sram$$Base
汇编引用示例: IMPORT |Load$$Exec_RAM1$$Base| // Exec_RAM1 为“RW”段 IMPORT |Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Base| IMPORT |Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Length| IMPORT |Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Limit|
LDR R0, =|Load$$Exec_RAM1$$Base| LDR R1, =|Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Base| LDR R2, =|Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Limit| 0 CMP R1, R2 LDRCC R3, [R0], #4 STRCC R3, [R1], #4 BCC %b0 C 引用: extern unsigned char Load$$Exec_RAM1$$Base; extern unsigned char Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Base; extern unsigned char Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Length;
void MoveRO(void) { unsigned char * psrc, *pdst; unsigned int count;
count = (unsigned int) &Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Length; psrc = (unsigned char *)&Load$$Exec_RAM1$$Base; pdst = (unsigned char *)&Image$$Exec_RAM1$$Base;
while (count--) { *pdst++ = *psrc++; } }
加载文件示例一: 起始地址 大小 ROM: 0x00000000 256K ;0x1fc 保留为加密字,程序在ROM中运行; RAM 0x40000000 16K ;用于全局变量及任务堆栈; SRAM 0x80000000 512K ;SRAM速度慢,主要用于存放大的数据表;
LOAD_ROM1 0x00000000 0x1f8 ; 指定该加载区域首地址、大小 { EXEC_ROM1 +0 0x1f8 ; 没有前一加载区域,所以该执行区域首地址为加载去首地址 ; 并指定该区域长度 { Startup.o (vectors, +FIRST) ; 目标文件的“vectors”段放在该执行区域的第一段 irq.o (+RO) ; 目标文件的所有“RO”段放在该执行区域 } }
LOAD_ROM2 0x00000200 ; 第二个加载区域 { EXEC_ROM2 +0 0x3e600 { * (+RO) ; 所有目标文件和库文件中的“RO”段存放在该区域 }
RAM1 0x40000000 0x4000 { * (+RW, +ZI) ; 所有目标文件和库文件的“RW”和“ZI”段存放在该区域 }
SRAM2 0x80000000 0x80000 { * (sram) ; 所有目标文件中的“sram”段存放在该区域 } }
示例二: “iap.o”定义在“Exec_RAM1”中运行,所以设置“PI”属性; 在调用“iap.c”中函数之前应该将其从“Load$$Exec_IAP$$Base”复制到指定的“Exec_RAM1”区域;
Load_region1 0x00000000 0x1fc { EXEC_ROM1 +0 { Startup.o (vectors, +FIRST) irq.o (+RO) } }
Load_region2 0x00000200 0x3e600 { EXEC_ROM2 +0 { * (+RO) }
Exec_IAP +0 PI // 可能引起链接器未使用该属性警告,忽略 { iap.o (+RO) }
Exec_RAM1 0x40000000 0x4000 { * (+RW, +ZI) }
Exec_Sram 0x80000000 0x40000 { * (SRAM) } }
// 移动“IAP.o”中的所有函数到“ImageExecIAPBase”加载区,并调用其中的函数 extern unsigned char Load$$Exec_IAP$$Base; extern unsigned char Image$$Exec_IAP$$Length;
#define ImageExecIAPBase (0x40000000+0x1000) // 加载区首址
void MoveIAPRO(void) { unsigned char * psrc, *pdst; unsigned int count;
count = (unsigned int) &Image$$Exec_IAP$$Length; psrc = (unsigned char *)&Load$$Exec_IAP$$Base; pdst = (unsigned char *)ImageExecIAPBase;
while (count--) { *pdst++ = *psrc++; } }
// 调用“IAP.O”中的某函数 { void (* pfnIAPWrite)(unsigned long, int);
pfnIAPWrite = (void (*)(unsigned long, int)) (ImageExecIAPBase + (unsigned int)IAPWrite - // 被调用函数名 (unsigned int)&Load$$Exec_IAP$$Base);
pfnIAPWrite((int)((CUPDATA *)CODESTARTADDR)->data, ((CUPDATA *)CODESTARTADDR)->length); }