各位大侠:最近我在vivado下跑xilinx官方测试DDR的example,DDR是挂在PL端的, 生成bit文件下载到板子下,总是无法找到hw_ila,并且提示warning:
WARNING: [Xicom 50-38] xicom: No CseXsdb register file specified for CseXsdb slave type: 0, cse driver version: 0. Slave initialization skipped.
WARNING: [Xicom 50-38] xicom: No CseXsdb register file specified for CseXsdb slave type: 0, cse driver version: 0. Slave initialization skipped.
WARNING: [Xicom 50-38] xicom: No CseXsdb register file specified for CseXsdb slave type: 0, cse driver version: 0. Slave initialization skipped.
WARNING: [Xicom 50-38] xicom: No CseXsdb register file specified for CseXsdb slave type: 0, cse driver version: 0. Slave initialization skipped.
INFO: [Labtools 27-1434] Device xc7z030 (JTAG device index = 1) is programmed with a design that has no supported debug core(s) in it.
WARNING: [Labtools 27-3123] The debug hub core was not detected at User Scan Chain 1 or 3.
1. Make sure the clock connected to the debug hub (dbg_hub) core is a free running clock and is active OR
2. Manually launch hw_server with -e "set xsdb-user-bscan <C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN scan_chain_number>" to detect the debug hub at User Scan Chain of 2 or 4. To determine the user scan chain setting, open the implemented design and use: get_property C_USER_SCAN_CHAIN [get_debug_cores dbg_hub].
WARNING: [Labtools 27-1974] Mismatch between the design programmed into the device xc7z030_1 and the probes file E:/pl_ddr3/pl_ddr3/pl_ddr3.runs/impl_1/debug_nets.ltx.
The device design has 0 ILA core(s) and 0 VIO core(s). The probes file has 4 ILA core(s) and 0 VIO core(s).
1. Reprogram device with the correct programming file and associated probes file OR
2. Goto device properties and associate the correct probes file with the programming file already programmed in the device.
我试过重新生成,使用set up debug等等都出不来,有相同经历的兄弟指点下问题出在哪里,万分感谢! |