以前用工LPC的ucos 这个需要在中断中调用,用飞思卡尔用keil自带的系统,不需要调用吗?
#ifndef OS_SYSTICK
#define OS_SYSTICK 1
// <o>RTOS Kernel Timer input clock frequency [Hz] <1-1000000000>
// <i> Defines the input frequency of the RTOS Kernel Timer.
// <i> When the Cortex-M SysTick timer is used, the input clock
// <i> is on most systems identical with the core clock.
#ifndef OS_CLOCK
#define OS_CLOCK 12000000
// <o>RTX Timer tick interval value [us] <1-1000000>
// <i> The RTX Timer tick interval value is used to calculate timeout values.
// <i> When the Cortex-M SysTick timer is enabled, the value also configures the SysTick timer.
// <i> Default: 1000 (1ms)
#ifndef OS_TICK
#define OS_TICK 1000
// </h>
// <h>System Configuration
// =======================
// <e>Round-Robin Thread switching
// ===============================
// <i> Enables Round-Robin Thread switching.
#ifndef OS_ROBIN
#define OS_ROBIN 1
// <o>Round-Robin Timeout [ticks] <1-1000>
// <i> Defines how long a thread will execute before a thread switch.
// <i> Default: 5
#define OS_ROBINTOUT 5
// </e>
// <e>User Timers
// ==============
// <i> Enables user Timers
#ifndef OS_TIMERS
#define OS_TIMERS 1