如果在运行状态,用reset信号复位2410,那么CP15会改变状态吗?如果已启用MMU,大端模式,复位后CP15能回到小端,关闭MMU吗? 外设寄存器很多都有确定的复位值,但是cp15是协处理器,它有复位吗? 2410手册这么写的复位动作,不过没有提到协处理器阿? When nRESET goes HIGH again, ARM920T: 1. Overwrites R14_svc and SPSR_svc by copying the current values of the PC and CPSR into them. The value of the saved PC and SPSR is not defined. 2. Forces M[4:0] to 10011 (Supervisor mode), sets the I and F bits in the CPSR, and clears the CPSR's T bit. 3. Forces the PC to fetch the next instruction from address 0x00. 4. Execution resumes in ARM state.