1 = PWRT disabled
0 = PWRT enabled
bit 2 WDTE: Watchdog Timer Enable bit
1 = WDT enabled
0 = WDT disabled
bit 1-0 FOSC1:FOSC0: Oscillator Selection bits
11 = RC oscillator
10 = HS oscillator
01 = XT oscillator
00 = LP oscillator
Note 1: The erased (unprogrammed) value of the configuration word is 3FFFh.
2: All of the CP1:CP0 pairs have to be given the same value to enable the code protection scheme listed.
3: Enabling Brown-out Reset automatically enables Power-up Timer (PWRT), regardless of the value of bit PWRTE.
Ensure the Power-up Timer is enabled any time Brown-out Reset is enabled.