A pulse goes through an RC filter and drives an inverter that is formed by a resistor and a NPN transistor.
1. Simulation runs successfully. Everything is saved, then Altium closed. Re-open Altium and try to run simulation again. Errors pop up.
Class Document Source Message Time Date No.
[Info] Sequencer.PrjPcb Compiler Compile successful, no errors found. 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 1
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim C1 - Expected Separator Character 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 2
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim C1 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 3
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim Q1 - Expected Separator Character 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 4
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim Q1 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 5
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V1 - Expected Separator Character 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 6
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V1 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 7
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V2 - Expected Separator Character 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 8
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V2 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:11:19 PM 8/08/2011 9
2. Double click C1, select Simulation under models, then click edit. Checking the tabs, do nothing and close. Run MultiSim again. The first two errors above will be gone.
Class Document Source Message Time Date No.
[Info] Sequencer.PrjPcb Compiler Compile successful, no errors found. 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 1
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim Q1 - Expected Separator Character 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 2
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim Q1 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 3
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V1 - Expected Separator Character 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 4
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V1 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 5
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V2 - Expected Separator Character 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 6
[Error] Sequencer.SchDoc AdvSim V2 - Expected separator character after parameter name 2:13:48 PM 8/08/2011 7
3. Do the same for BJT Q1, voltage sources V1 and V2. Do nothing except looking at the Sim Model window. Run MultiSim and everything is OKAY. No more errors.
4. Save everything and close Altium. Open Altium, try to run MultiSim, all the errors will pop up again.
5. Please note, in Altium Winter 09, the above errors do not exist. |