1. Prepping for the MSP430 2. Out of the box 3. Blinking lights number 2 4. Pushbutton fun 5. More pretty lights 6. Community Coding Style 7. Button triggered interrupts 8. Hello World revisited 8.1. Internal watchdog timer 8.2. External timer crystals 9. Blinking lights revisited 9.1. Using internal timer 9.2. Using external crystal 10. Pulse Width Modulation 10.1. Sleeping LED 10.2. Which pins do PWM? 11. Talking to MSP430 viaLaunchpad USB interface 12. Yet another Hello World 13. Serial communication 1 14. Serial communication 2 15. Adding button debounce 16. A Uart receiver 17. Send and Receive 18. Send and Receive 2 19. Increasing the clock speed 20. Reading off calibration values 21. A more robust calibrationprogram 22. Dissecting the TI temperaturedemo 23. Bit-bang I2C interface forNewhaven LCD panel 24. Bit-bang SPI interface forktm-s1201 LCD panel 25. Morse Code on the MSP430 26. Recovering a FRAMExperimenter’s Board 27. Basic burglar alarm