EdgeX & MQTT
EdgeX - Edinburgh Release

运行MQTT BrokerEclipse Mosquitto是一个开源(EPL/EDL licensed) 的message Broker,它支持MQTT协议5.0, 3.1.1以及3.1
docker run -d --rm --name broker -p 1883:1883 eclipse-mosquitto
- 每15秒发布随机数据
- 接收读取reading请求,并返回响应
- 接收Put请求,然后修改设备值
// mock-device.jsfunction getRandomFloat(min, max) { return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;}const deviceName = "MQ_DEVICE";let message = "test-message";// 1. Publish random number every 15 secondsschedule('*/15 * * * * *', ()=>{ let body = { "name": deviceName, "cmd": "randnum", "randnum": getRandomFloat(25,29).toFixed(1) }; publish( 'DataTopic', JSON.stringify(body));});// 2. Receive the reading request, then return the response// 3. Receive the put request, then change the device valuesubscribe( "CommandTopic" , (topic, val) => { var data = val; if (data.method == "set") { message = data[data.cmd] }else{ switch(data.cmd) { case "ping": data.ping = "pong"; break; case "message": data.message = message; break; case "randnum": data.randnum = 12.123; break; } } publish( "ResponseTopic", JSON.stringify(data));});
mv mock-device.js /path/to/mqtt-scriptsdocker run -d --restart=always --name=mqtt-scripts \ -v /path/to/mqtt-scripts:/scripts \ dersimn/mqtt-scripts --url mqtt://mqtt-broker-ip --dir /scripts- 将/path/to/mqtt-scripts修改为你的正确路径
- 将mqtt-broker-ip修改为你的正确的broker ip
设置 setup创建文件夹,在里面放入部署需要的文件
- device-service-demo |- docker-compose.yml |- mqtt |- configuration.toml |- mqtt.test.device.profile.yml设备文件 Device Profile (mqtt.test.device.profile.yml)设备文件定义了设备的取值和操作方法,可以通过它们来进行读写操作
# mqtt.test.device.profile.ymlname: "Test.Device.MQTT.Profile"manufacturer: "iot"model: "MQTT-DEVICE"description: "Test device profile"labels: - "mqtt" - "test"deviceResources: - name: randnum description: "device random number" properties: value: { type: "Float64", size: "4", readWrite: "R", floatEncoding: "eNotation" } units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "" } - name: ping description: "device awake" properties: value: { type: "String", size: "0", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "pong" } units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "" } - name: message description: "device message" properties: value: { type: "String", size: "0", readWrite: "W" ,scale: "", offset: "", base: "" } units: { type: "String", readWrite: "R", defaultValue: "" }deviceCommands: - name: testrandnum get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", object: "randnum", parameter: "randnum" } - name: testping get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", object: "ping", parameter: "ping" } - name: testmessage get: - { index: "1", operation: "get", object: "message", parameter: "message" } set: - { index: "1", operation: "set", object: "message", parameter: "message" }coreCommands: - name: testrandnum get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testrandnum" responses: - code: "200" description: "get the random value" expectedValues: ["randnum"] - code: "503" description: "service unavailable" expectedValues: [] - name: testping get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testping" responses: - code: "200" description: "ping the device" expectedValues: ["ping"] - code: "503" description: "service unavailable" expectedValues: [] - name: testmessage get: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testmessage" responses: - code: "200" description: "get the message" expectedValues: ["message"] - code: "503" description: "service unavailable" expectedValues: [] put: path: "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testmessage" parameterNames: ["message"] responses: - code: "204" description: "set the message." expectedValues: [] - code: "503" description: "service unavailable" expectedValues: []
MQTT是订阅/发布模式,所以我们必须在配置文件的 [DeviceList.Protocols]部分定义MQTT连接信息。
创建配置文件,取名configuration.toml,内容如下,修改Host ip为你的主机IP
# configuration.toml[Writable]LogLevel = 'DEBUG'[Service]Host = "edgex-device-mqtt"Port = 49982ConnectRetries = 3Labels = []OpenMsg = "device mqtt started"Timeout = 5000EnableAsyncReadings = trueAsyncBufferSize = 16[Registry]Host = "edgex-core-consul"Port = 8500CheckInterval = "10s"FailLimit = 3FailWaitTime = 10Type = "consul"[Logging]EnableRemote = falseFile = "./device-mqtt.log"[Clients] [Clients.Data] Name = "edgex-core-data" Protocol = "http" Host = "edgex-core-data" Port = 48080 Timeout = 50000 [Clients.Metadata] Name = "edgex-core-metadata" Protocol = "http" Host = "edgex-core-metadata" Port = 48081 Timeout = 50000 [Clients.Logging] Name = "edgex-support-logging" Protocol = "http" Host ="edgex-support-logging" Port = 48061[Device] DataTransform = true InitCmd = "" InitCmdArgs = "" MaxCmdOps = 128 MaxCmdValueLen = 256 RemoveCmd = "" RemoveCmdArgs = "" ProfilesDir = "/custom-config"# Pre-define Devices[[DeviceList]] Name = "MQ_DEVICE" Profile = "Test.Device.MQTT.Profile" Description = "General MQTT device" Labels = [ "MQTT"] [DeviceList.Protocols] [DeviceList.Protocols.mqtt] Schema = "tcp" Host = "" Port = "1883" ClientId = "CommandPublisher" User = "" Password = "" Topic = "CommandTopic" [[DeviceList.AutoEvents]] Frequency = "30s" OnChange = false Resource = "testrandnum"# Driver configs[Driver]IncomingSchema = "tcp"IncomingHost = ""IncomingPort = "1883"IncomingUser = ""IncomingPassword = ""IncomingQos = "0"IncomingKeepAlive = "3600"IncomingClientId = "IncomingDataSubscriber"IncomingTopic = "DataTopic"ResponseSchema = "tcp"ResponseHost = ""ResponsePort = "1883"ResponseUser = ""ResponsePassword = ""ResponseQos = "0"ResponseKeepAlive = "3600"ResponseClientId = "CommandResponseSubscriber"ResponseTopic = "ResponseTopic"In the Driver configs section:- IncomingXxx定义了从设备接收的异步值的数据主题DataTopic
- ResponseXxx定义了从设备接收的命令响应的响应主题ResponseTopic
6.把设备服务添加到docker-compose文件(docker-compose.yml)下载docker-compose文件 https://github.com/edgexfoundry/ ... edinburgh-1.0.0.yml
由于我们使用docker-compose部署EdgeX,我们必须将device-mqtt添加到docker-compose。If you have prepared configuration files, you can mount them using volumes and change the entrypoint for device-mqtt internal use.
device-mqtt: image: edgexfoundry/docker-device-mqtt-go:1.0.0 ports: - "49982:49982" container_name: edgex-device-mqtt hostname: edgex-device-mqtt networks: - edgex-network volumes: - db-data:/data/db - log-data:/edgex/logs - consul-config:/consul/config - consul-data:/consul/data - ./mqtt:/custom-config depends_on: - data - command entrypoint: - /device-mqtt - --registry=consul://edgex-core-consul:8500 - --confdir=/custom-config
当使用设备服务时,用户需要在–registry参数提供registry URL
在Docker上启动EdgeX Foundry下面的文件夹放好之后,我们就可以开始部署EdgeX了
- device-service-demo |- docker-compose.yml |- mqtt |- configuration.toml |- mqtt.test.device.profile.yml使用下面命令进行EdgeX部署
cd path/to/device-service-demodocker-compose pulldocker-compose up -d服务启动之后,查看控制台面板

$ curl http://your-edgex-server-ip:48082/api/v1/device | json_pp
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed100 1972 100 1972 0 0 64349 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 65733[ { "location" : null, "adminState" : "UNLOCKED", "commands" : [ { ... }, { ... }, { "get" : { "responses" : [ { "code" : "503", "description" : "service unavailable" } ], "path" : "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testmessage", "url" : "http://edgex-core-command:48082/api/v1/device/ddb2f5cf-eec2-4345-86ee-f0d87e6f77ff/command/0c257a37-2f72-4d23-b2b1-2c08e895060a" }, "modified" : 1559195042046, "name" : "testmessage", "put" : { "parameterNames" : [ "message" ], "path" : "/api/v1/device/{deviceId}/testmessage", "url" : "http://edgex-core-command:48082/api/v1/device/ddb2f5cf-eec2-4345-86ee-f0d87e6f77ff/command/0c257a37-2f72-4d23-b2b1-2c08e895060a" }, "created" : 1559195042046, "id" : "0c257a37-2f72-4d23-b2b1-2c08e895060a" } ], "lastReported" : 0, "operatingState" : "ENABLED", "name" : "MQ_DEVICE", "lastConnected" : 0, "id" : "ddb2f5cf-eec2-4345-86ee-f0d87e6f77ff", "labels" : [ "MQTT" ] }]8.执行Put命令根据url和参数名来执行Put命令,当运行edgex-core-command时,将[host]替换为服务器IP,可以有下面两种方法来执行
$ curl http://your-edgex-server-ip:48082/api/v1/device/ddb2f5cf-eec2-4345-86ee-f0d87e6f77ff/command/0c257a37-2f72-4d23-b2b1-2c08e895060a \ -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT \ -d '{"message":"Hello!"}'或者
$ curl “http://your-edgex-server-ip:48082/api/v1/device/name/MQ_DEVICE/command/testmessage”-H “Content-Type:application/json” -X PUT -d ‘{“message”:”Hello!”}’9.执行Get命令执行Get命令,如下
$ curl "http://your-edgex-server-ip:48082/api/v1/device/name/MQ_DEVICE/command/testmessage" | json_pp
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed100 139 100 139 0 0 132 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 132{ "readings" : [ { "name" : "message", "device" : "MQ_DEVICE", "value" : "Hello!", "origin" : 1559196276732 } ], "device" : "MQ_DEVICE", "origin" : 1559196276738}10.调度任务 Schedule Job调度任务定义在TOML配置文件的[[DeviceList.AutoEvents]]部分
# Pre-define Devices[[DeviceList]] Name = "MQ_DEVICE" Profile = "Test.Device.MQTT.Profile" Description = "General MQTT device" Labels = [ "MQTT"] [DeviceList.Protocols] [DeviceList.Protocols.mqtt] Schema = "tcp" Host = "" Port = "1883" ClientId = "CommandPublisher" User = "" Password = "" Topic = "CommandTopic" [[DeviceList.AutoEvents]] Frequency = "30s" OnChange = false Resource = "testrandnum"服务启动之后,查询core-data的读API。结果显示,服务每30s自动执行一次该命令,显示如下
$ curl http://your-edgex-server-ip:48080/api/v1/reading | json_pp
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed100 1613 100 1613 0 0 372k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 393k[ { "value" : "1.212300e+01", "origin" : 1559197206092, "modified" : 1559197206104, "id" : "59f2a768-ad72-49a1-9df9-700d8599a890", "created" : 1559197206104, "device" : "MQ_DEVICE", "name" : "randnum" }, { ... }, { "name" : "randnum", "device" : "MQ_DEVICE", "modified" : 1559197175109, "created" : 1559197175109, "id" : "f9dc39e0-5326-45d0-831d-fd0cd106fe2f", "origin" : 1559197175098, "value" : "1.212300e+01" },]异步数据读取
device-mqtt订购一个DataTopic, 它等待真实设备发送数据给broker,接下来device-mqtt解析这个值,并把它发回给core-data
- name = device name
- cmd = deviceResource name
- method = get or put
- cmd = device reading
[Driver]IncomingSchema = "tcp"IncomingHost = ""IncomingPort = "1883"IncomingUser = ""IncomingPassword = ""IncomingQos = "0"IncomingKeepAlive = "3600"IncomingClientId = "IncomingDataSubscriber"IncomingTopic = "DataTopic"下面的结果显示,模拟设备每15毫秒发送一次读取reading
$ curl http://your-edgex-server-ip:48080/api/v1/reading | json_pp
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed100 539 100 539 0 0 169k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 175k[ { ... }, { "name" : "randnum", "created" : 1559197140013, "origin" : 1559197140006, "modified" : 1559197140013, "id" : "286cc305-42f6-4bca-ad41-3af52301c9f7", "value" : "2.830000e+01", "device" : "MQ_DEVICE" }, { "modified" : 1559197125011, "name" : "randnum", "created" : 1559197125011, "origin" : 1559197125004, "device" : "MQ_DEVICE", "value" : "2.690000e+01", "id" : "c243e8c6-a904-4102-baff-8a5e4829c4f6" }]