安装很顺利, 速度也很快, 挺满意
但当打开以前的工程时, 编译报错, 工程版本问题. 提示要
'Help > Install New Software' and select 'Code Generation Tools Updates' to check if this compiler is available through a CCS update.
但是当我点击这个安装新软件, 提示更新:
TI Compiler Help
TI Compiler Updates
选中, 升级 显示一大堆资源
The installation cannot be completed as requested.
Review the items to be installed.
Licenses must be reviewed and accepted before the software can be installed.
却总是更新不成功. 告诉我网页连接不上. 手动打开那个升级网页, 也是打不开.
Sorry! We are currently doing site maintenance.
This part of the TI website is currently undergoing scheduled system maintenance.
无奈, 换旧版吧, 选了 CCS 9.3.X 重装
结果一样的报错. 好在更新要求后, 完成了不少升级, 只有下面这些错误.
An error occurred while installing the items
session context was:(profile=epp.package.cpp, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null --> [R]com.ti.cgt.msp430.4.3.win32_root 4.3.8, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.natives.actions.ChmodAction).
The action chmod failed - file E:\ti\ccs930\ccs\eclipse\downloads\ccs_update_5.5.0.00092.exe does not exist
再次编译原有的工程还是错误, 查错误, 这次是提示的不支持老版本的 sysboldebug coff 不支持了. 打开编译设置.
Advanced Debug Options 里改了 Debugging model 模式. 编译成功.