FEATURE 6AF7_0012 alterad 2035.12 permanent uncounted E75BE809707E \
VENDOR_STRING="iiiiiiiihdLkhIIIIIIIIUPDuiaaaaaaaa11X38DDDDDDDDpjz5cddddddddtmGzGJJJJJJJJbqIh0uuuuuuuugYYWiVVVVVVVVbp0FVHHHHHHHHBUEakffffffffD2FFRkkkkkkkkWL$84" \
HOSTID=78e400adbd37 TS_OK SIGN="1E27 C980 33CD 38BC 5532 368B \
116D C1F8 34E0 5436 99A0 5A2E 1C8C 8DD0 C9C6 011B A5A9 932B \
08DE C5ED 9E62 2868 5A32 6397 D9B8 5C3A B8E8 4E4F CEC7 C836"
其中6AF7_0012 是FIR ip核的特征码,然后tools->options->license setup中就能看到FIR compiler.
为了防止麻烦,在tools-> internet connetivity中去掉 check XXX 然后用防火墙禁止quartus访问网络.
Info: Start Nativelink Simulation process
Error: You did not generate the simulation model files or you generated the IP file using an older version of MegaCore which is not supported by RTL NativeLink Simulation
Error: Regenerate the IP and simulation model files using the latest version of MegaCore for RTL NativeLink Simulation flow to function correctly
Error: NativeLink simulation flow was NOT successful