本帖最后由 sunmax 于 2012-3-16 21:44 编辑
WARNING:ConstraintSystem:204 - A target design object for the Locate constraint
'<NET "fpga_0_rst_1_sys_rst_pin_IBUF" LOC = K17>' could not be found and so
the Locate constraint will be removed.
WARNING:NgdBuild:1345 - The constraint <TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD
"sys_clk_pin" 50000.000000000 KHz HIGH 50.000000000 %;> is overridden by the
constraint <TIMESPEC TS_sys_clk_pin = PERIOD sys_clk_pin 50000 kHz;>
[sys_pin.ucf(14)]. The overriden constraint usually comes from the input
netlist or ncf files. Please set XIL_NGDBUILD_CONSTR_OVERRIDE_ERROR to
promote this message to an error. |