有时你会发现身边出现了某个人,你说不出他的样子、着装和举动与其他人有什么区别,但就是觉得这个人特别与众不同,似乎散发着某种隐形的光彩和吸引力。也许这就是所谓的气质,所谓的自信,那是一种拥有梦想并为之奋斗的激情和魄力——请记住,不被别人限定,勇于追逐梦想的人才能活出属于自己的彩色人生。 ---题记
He walked into the city engrossed in his own thoughts. The eyes seemed totravel the kingdom of unknown . On his forehead, the curly locks trembled withthe cool breeze striking against his face, and a childlike innocence played on his lips.Though he had nothing, he appeared to be the king of his destiny.
他朝城里走去,完全沉浸在自己的思考当中。他的眼神看上去就像在一个未知的国度里遨游。额前的几缕卷发随着凉风晃动,轻轻地拍打着他的脸颊,他的双唇则显露出孩童般的纯真。他虽然身无一物,看上去却像是一位主宰自己**的国王。 |