本帖最后由 LMQQ 于 2013-1-22 21:38 编辑
使用FPGA实现各种算法时,状态机是很常用的方法,在SysGen中有两种非常简便的方法构建状态机,一是使用Mcode,以switch-case语句轻松实现,二是使用SysGen自带状态机模块。 状态机 假设我们要从01序列中检测出1011序列,则状态机模型如下 Next State Matrix:[0 1; 2 1; 0 3; 2 1]
Output Matrix : [0 0; 0 0; 0 0; 0 1]
一、使用Mcode实现 上一篇博客讲解了在Sysgen中Mcode的限制能力,这里直接使用 构建模型如下: ![](http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201211/29/1354198094_5997.jpg)
Singal From Workspace用于产生一个01序列,作为输入信号。 gatwayIn将数据类型转化为UFix_1_0 添加Mcode函数stateMcode.m
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- <span style="font-size:24px;">function [nextState, matched] = stateMcode(currentState, din)
- % This is the update function for detecting a pattern of 1011
- % This function represents a stateless and combination logic block.
- % The output nextState should be to a register, and the output
- % of the register should be fed back to the input currentState.
- % Because the state register block has a feed back connection, in
- % order to propagate the port prototypes automatically, the prototype
- % of nextState should be determined only by constants or through
- % an explicity xfix() call.
- seen_none = 0; % initial state, if input is 1, switch to seen_1
- seen_1 = 1; % first 1 has been seen, if input is 0, switch
- % seen_10
- seen_10 = 2; % 10 has been detected, if input is 1, switch to
- % seen_1011
- seen_101 = 3; % now 101 is detected, is input is 1, 1011 is
- % detected and the FSM switches to seen_1
- % the default value of matched is false
- matched = false;
- switch currentState
- case seen_none
- if din==1
- nextState = seen_1;
- else
- nextState = seen_10;
- end
- case seen_1 % seen first 1
- if din==1
- nextState = seen_1;
- else
- nextState = seen_10;
- end
- case seen_10 % seen 10
- if din==1
- nextState = seen_101;
- else
- % no part of sequence seen, go to seen_none
- nextState = seen_none;
- end
- case seen_101
- if din==1
- nextState = seen_1;
- matched = true;
- else
- nextState = seen_10;
- matched = false;
- end
- otherwise
- % if nextState is not assigned outside the switch statement,
- % an otherwise statment is required
- nextState = seen_none;
- end
- </span>
二、使用Mealy State Machine模块实现 构建模型: ![](http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201211/29/1354198386_4649.jpg)
设置Mealy State Machine参数,就是状态机的参数 ![](http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201211/29/1354198422_9080.jpg)
仿真结果如下: ![](http://img.my.csdn.net/uploads/201211/29/1354198457_9289.jpg)
在进行FPGA图像处理时,经常会用到状态机,这几天刚学习过,记录一下,其实使用Verilog直接实现也不是很难,只是会比SysGen稍微麻烦一些,修改起来也会花费更多的时间。 Model Based Design 在Xilinx 的工具中逐渐得到加强,相信以后会更加的方便。 |