本帖最后由 binbin1986 于 2013-2-27 15:59 编辑
我现在用nios ii/s型,频率在50M,但效率较低,所以换成了nios ii/f (高速型),频率用PLL倍频到100M,然后用Pipeline bridge 连接低速设备,但在quartus 2 (9.0版本)中综合不过去,报如下错误:
Error: Cannot place 2 nodes into a single LE
Info: Cannot place nodes in a single LE -- the LE would be illegal because the cells in the LE have more distinct inputs than are available.
Info: List of 2 nodes in the LE
Info: Node "CCD:inst|sdram_0:the_sdram_0|active_cs_n~8"
Info: Node "CCD:inst|CCD_reset_clk_0_domain_synch_module:CCD_reset_clk_0_domain_synch|data_out"