本帖最后由 tsdwddp 于 2013-7-19 10:00 编辑
我最近在用Xmega实现ADC以及温度检测的的功能,datasheet中说要从signature row中读取数据,查了很多资料,都说下面几个步骤:
The Read User Signature Row and Red Calibration Row commands are used to read one byte
from the User Signature Row or Calibration Row.
1. Load the Z-pointer with the byte address to read.
2. Load the NVM CMD register with the Read User Signature Row / Calibration Row
3. Execute the LPM instruction.
The destination register will be loaded during the execution of the LPM instruction
有没有文明做过相关的东西!给点example or advice!