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专家回复: With Software Defined Netowork, networks are no longer closed, proprietary, and difficult to program. They are transformed into an open and programmable component of the larger cloud infrastructure. SDN gives network owners and operators more control of their infrastructure, allowing customization and optimization, and reducing the overall capital and operational costs. SDN also allows service providers to create new revenue opportunities at an accelerated pace through the creation of software-based applications –as the PC, mobile, and Web industries have been doing successfully for years. | |
专家回复: One most important feature is on discreate computing. This means the requests from the clients will be processed by several many compute nodes spearding accorss the network. How to classify the request and how to distrubte and consolidate the results is the key for success. | |
专家回复:QorIQ T series has new cores, e5500 and e6500, both are 64bit processors and bigger L2 cache. e6500 core is a dual thread processor. In terms of accelerators, we introduce new features and enhancement on Data Path Acceleration Architecture (DPAA), higher performance and new and improve compression accelerator, serial rapidIO manager, etc. | |
专家回复: The immidiate impact on the market is the inceasing demoands for high performance embedded processors that are used to satisfy and to meet the processing power required by implmeneting the software feature. SDN is an evolving technology which is being updating in time so the software requirement keeps increasing. | |
专家回复:We provide online and phone support. Please refers to Freescale home page: e.g. http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/homepage.jsp?code=SUPPORTHOME If you buy from the distrobutor, you may able to get support from the official distributors. Professional engineering services are available upon request. | |
专家回复:No particular HW is needed, but a network chip with security offload feature is better. The OPENFLOW protocol (used in SDN) can be impemented in software. However, openflow uses SSL encryption method. A network chip with security offload function can speed up the traffic processing. | |
专家回复:C29x use BLOB (encrypted container) to protect access to sensitive information. All important information (e.g. encrypted key) cannot be read back once written to the crypto accelerator. Also, Freescale supports Trust Archituecture, which protect against foreign attack. All software running on C29x needs to be authenticated with ODM public key. | |