关于SABRE-SD 这块开发板在android_jb4.3_1.1.0 中是支持两路摄像头输入,分别为一路csi接口的前置摄像头输入和MIPI csi接口的后置摄像头。
Hardware for Sabre SD:
• Front Camera: OV5642 CSI camera
• Rear Camera: OV5640 MIPI camera
对于第二个问题,比如6DL只有一个IPU,那么CSI口与MIPI口只能切换用吗,但是参考6DL的数据手册上写的IPU has two input ports, CSI0 and CSI1, which can receive data concurrently and
independently. At any given time, an IPU input port may receive data either from a
parallel external port or from the MIPI/CSI-2 receiver.见下图描述,
那么CSI0 与CSI1只能有一个用作IPU的输出吗?如果是这样的话,数据手册那个地方说明了这部分?