void CaptureHandle(void)
if( FTM_GetOverFlowFlag( FTM2 ))
FTM_ClrOverFlowFlag( FTM2 ); // Clear TOF Flag if it was set
if( FTM_GetChannelFlag( FTM2, FTM_CHANNEL_CHANNEL0))
FTM_ClrChannelFlag( FTM2, FTM_CHANNEL_CHANNEL0 ); // Clear CH(n)F Flag
g_u16CaptureValue = FTM2->CONTROLS[0].CnV; // capture value
if( g_bFirstEdge )
g_bFirstEdge = FALSE;
g_u16FirstEdgeCountValue = g_u16CaptureValue;
// Index of count buffer
if( g_u32CurCntIndex >= COUNT_NUM )
g_u32CurCntIndex = 0;
// Calc Count
g_n32CountBuffer[g_u32CurCntIndex] = g_u16CaptureValue + (g_u32OverFlowCounts<<16) - g_u16FirstEdgeCountValue;
g_u16FirstEdgeCountValue = g_u16CaptureValue; // Treak it as the first edge of the next pulse