RTU模式下,一字节里面是有2个十六进制字符的,这样算的话的 T3.5 = 3.5/2 *11 / 波特率。
但是我从网上看到许多计算T3.5的方法是 T3.5 = 3.5 * 11 / 波特率,即认为一字节是一个字符。
Remark :
The implementation of RTU reception driver may imply the management of a lot of interruptions due to the t1.5 and t3.5 timers. With
high communication baud rates, this leads to a heavy CPU load. Consequently these two timers must be strictly respected when the
baud rate is equal or lower than 19200 Bps. For baud rates greater than 19200 Bps, fixed values for the 2 timers should be used: it is
recommended to use a value of 750μs for the inter-character time-out (t1.5) and a value of 1.750ms for inter-frame delay (t3.5).
从1.75ms算的话,貌似modbus.org是按T3.5 = 3.5 * 11 / 波特率。哪种方法modbus_RTU所规定的?