用lpc2114的p0.10的捕获功能,检测输入信号的频率是否在正常的范围内,通过UART0输出结果(1为正确,0为错),可是通过串口助手接到的数据是乱码,大侠门看下程序,指点下,万分感谢! extern long ztimeval; /* LPC21xx definitions */ extern long timeval; // count up in 1mSec extern long tSec ; // count up in 1 sec void initCPU_IO(void); int main (void) { ////////////////// System Initialize initCPU_IO();//此函數內有"init_timer()"這個函數 ///////////////// The Main Loop while (1){ /* Loop forever */
} ************************************************************
#include <string.h> #include <LPC21XX.H> // LPC21XX Peripheral Registers #include "Timer.h" // Timer0 count #define CNT_T0MR0_D 58622 // 1mSec = 58622 counts
long tSec ; //sec long ztSec; long timeval; // count up in 1mSec long ztimeval; long ztxtimeval; int A; int E; void tc0(void) __irq //_irq--> 例外管理程序 { /// 0. Processing Timer, generate tSec timer value T0IR = 1; // Clear interrupt flag, Clear interrupt flag on MR0-->Match Channel 0;MR0可開始接受中斷(避免中斷失效);T0IR由0x00000001-->0x00000000 VICVectAddr = 0; // Acknowledge Interrupt ++timeval; if ( (timeval - ztimeval) >= 1000 ) { // reach 1 Sec ++tSec; ztimeval=timeval; E=20*A; if (E<1) { / U0THR=0; } else { if ((E<=3579620)&&(E>=3579460)) { U0THR=1; } else { if ((E<=4433720)&&(E>=4433520)) { U0THR=1; } else { //lcd_dec7(E); //lcd_goto(2,15); //lcd_puts("NG"); U0THR=1; } } } } }
void t1cap0 (void) __irq {
if(T1IR&0x10) { T1IR = 0x10; VICVectAddr=0; T1MR0=59029500; A++; } }
/* Setup the Timer Counter 0,1 Interrupt */ void init_timer (void) { T0MR0 = CNT_T0MR0_D; // 1ms , T0MR0 = 58621 T0MCR = 3; // Interrupt and Reset on MR0(即T0TC=T0MR0時,T0TC會中斷並Reset為0) VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long) tc0; // VICVectCntl0 = 0x20 |4 ; // use it for Timer 0 Interrupt ,"VICVectCntl0 = 0x20"-->將向量IRQ Slot0 Enable,決定向量中斷(IRQ Slot)優先權為Slot0 T0TCR = 1; // Timer0 Enable VICIntEnable = 0x00000010; // Enable Timer0(MR0~3及CR0~3) Interrupt,VIC bit 4=1(VICIntEnable = 0x00000010=00000000000000000000000000010000),設定中斷源為Timer0
PINSEL0 |= (2<<20); //p0.10 as CAP1.0 T1CCR = 5; // Capture and Interrupt CAP1.0, rising and T1MCR = 3; //Interrupt on MR0(令T1TC=T1MR0時,產生中斷) but no reset TCR VICVectAddr1 = (unsigned long)t1cap0; // set interrupt vector in 1 VICVectCntl1 = 0x20 | 5;
// use it for Timer 1 Interrupt,決定向量中斷(IRQ Slot)優先權為Slot1 T1TCR = 1; T1IR=0x01; // Timer1 Enable VICIntEnable = 0x20; // Enable Timer1(MR0~3及CR0~3) Interrupt,此行 VICVectAddr1的內容正好複製到VICVectAddr(VICVectAddr1的內容=VICVectAddr的內容),表示開始執行向量IRQ中斷;剛開機時回先從這行執行中斷,因T1MR0=0=T1TC,而T0TC須等T0TC=58621時,T0TC才會中斷(此時才會令VICVectAddr0的內容=VICVectAddr的內容)
timeval=ztimeval=ztxtimeval=0; tSec=ztSec=0xf0;
tcapNew=0; } void initCPU_IO(void) {
VPBDIV = 1; /* set IO clock, VPB clock=58.8924Mhz same as CCLK */ //VPBDIV=1,pclk=cclk,因PLLCFG=0x27,所以P=2,M=8,故cclk=M*石英振盪=8*7.3728=58.8924MHz=processor的clock頻率 PINSEL0 |= 0x00050005 ; /* Enable RxD0,1 & TxD0,1 */ /* initialize the serial interface */ U0LCR = 0x83; /* 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit */ U0DLL = 32; /* 115200 Baud Rate */ U0DLM = 0; U0LCR = 0x03; /* DLAB = 0 */ U0FCR = 0x01; /* Enable FIFO */ init_timer();