本帖最后由 pjzmj2012 于 2016-8-16 15:23 编辑
and a1(out,int1,int2,in3);//三输入与门
bufif1 mytri1(out,in,enable);//高电平使能的三态门
module MUX1(out, a, b, sel); output out; input a, b, sel; not (sel_, sel); and (a1, a, sel_), (a2, b, sel); or (out, a1, a2); endmodule
例2:行为描述2选1MUX module mux2(out, a, b, sel); output out; input a, b, sel; reg out; always @(a or b or sel) begin if(sel) out = b; else out = a; end endmodule
例3:数据流描述的2选1MUX module MUX3(out, a, b, sel); output out; input a, b, sel; assign out = sel? b : a; endmodule
module full_add1(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; wire s1,m1, m2, m3; and (m1, a, b), (m2, b, cin), (m3, a, cin); xor (s1, a, b), (sum, s1, cin); or (cout, m1, m2, m3); endmodule 例5:数据流描述的1位全加器 module full_add2(a, b, cin, sum, cout); input a, b, cin; output sum, cout; assign sum = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = (a & b ) | (b & cin) | (cin & a ); endmodule 例6:行为描述的1位全加器 module full_add4(a,b,cin,sum,cout); input a,b,cin; output sum,cout; reg sum,cout,m1,m2,m3; always @(a or b or cin) begin m1=a&b; m2=b&cin; m3=a&cin; sum=(a^b)^cin; cout=(m1|m2)|m3; end endmodule 例7:用bufif1关键字描述的三态门
module tri_1 (in, en, out); input in, en; output out; tri out; bufif1 b1(out, in, en); endmodule 例8:3—to—8 decoder
module decoder_38(out, in); output[7:0] out; input[2:0] in; reg[7:0] out; always @(in) begin case(in) 3'd0: out=8'b11111110; 3'd1: out=8'b11111101; 3'd2: out=8'b11111011; 3'd3: out=8'b11110111; 3'd4: out=8'b11101111; 3'd5: out=8'b11011111; 3'd6: out=8'b10111111; 3'd7: out=8'b01111111; endcase end endmodule