关于比特率bit rate和波特率buad rate 1---------- http://www.hongen.com/pc/diy/know/it/baudrata.htm 波特率
波特率是每秒钟传送的信息位的数量。它是所传送代码的最短码元占有时间的倒数。例如一个代码的最短时间码元宽度为20毫秒,则其波特率就是每秒50波特。 20毫秒=0.02秒 波特率1/0.02=50波特
2---------- http://www.ezikao.com.cn/bbs_disp_all.asp?Boardid=54&ID=10684 讨论复杂了
3---------- http://www.liuguo.net/Article/base/a/200701/861.html 什么是波特率,比特率,调制速率
作者:未知 **来源:网络 点击数:87 更新时间:2007-01-02 在电子通信领域,波特率即调制速率,指的是信号被调制以后在单位时间内的波特数,即单位时间内载波参数变化的次数。它是对信号传输速率的一种度量,通常以“波特每秒”(Bps)为单位。 波特率有时候会同比特率混淆,实际上后者是对信息传输速率(传信率)的度量。波特率可以被理解为单位时间内传输码元符号的个数(传符号率),通过不同的调制方法可以在一个码元上负载多个比特信息。
.比特率 在数字信道中,比特率是数字信号的传输速率,它用单位时间内传输的二进制代码的有效位(bit)数来表示,其单位为每秒比特数bit/s(bps)、每秒千比特数(Kbps)或每秒兆比特数(Mbps)来表示(此处K和M分别为1000和1000000,而不是涉及计算机存储器容量时的1024和1048576)。
.波特率 波特率指数据信号对载波的调制速率,它用单位时间内载波调制状态改变次数来表示,其单位为波特(Baud)。 波特率与比特率的关系为:比特率=波特率X单个调制状态对应的二进制位数。 显然,两相调制(单个调制状态对应1个二进制位)的比特率等于波特率;四相调制(单个调制状态对应2个二进制位)的比特率为波特率的两倍;八相调制(单个调制状态对应3个二进制位)的比特率为波特率的三倍;依次类推。
A http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/B/baud.html Pronounced baud (这个buad原来是bawd,不知道对不对?), the number of signaling elements that occur each second. (每秒钟内信号码元数signaling elements)The term is named after J.M.E. Baudot, the inventor of the Baudot telegraph code. 该术语是根据电报码发明人Baudot的名字命名的.
At slow speeds, only one bit of information (signaling element) is encoded in each electrical change. The baud, therefore, indicates the number of bits per second that are transmitted. For example, 300 baud means that 300 bits are transmitted each second (abbreviated 300 bps ). Assuming asynchronous communication, which requires 10 bits per character, this translates to 30 characters per second (cps). For slow rates (below 1,200 baud), you can divide the baud by 10 to see how many characters per second are sent. 对于低速,每个信息(signaling element)只用一位电平变化来表示,因此,波特率就是每秒传输的位数。例如,300波特的意思就是每秒传输300位(简记作300bps)。这样,假如是每字节10位的异步通讯,每秒传输30字节(cps),对低速率(低于1200 buad),用10除以该波特(数/率)就能得到每秒能发送的字节数。
At higher speeds, it is possible to encode more than one bit in each electrical change. 4,800 baud may allow 9,600 bits to be sent each second. At high data transfer speeds, therefore, data transmission rates are usually expressed in bits per second (bps) rather than baud. For example, a 9,600 bps modem may operate at only 2,400 baud. 高速时,其每位电平跳变(each electrical change)的编码可能多于一位。4800波特将允许每秒发送9600位。高速数据传输时,数据传输速率通常用每秒多少位(bps)而不用波特表示。例如,9600bps的调制器仅可以工作在2400波特之下。
2 http://www.pccompci.com/Baud_Rate.html Baud Rate
The baud rate of a data communications system is the number of symbols per second transferred. A symbol may have more than two states, so it may represent more than one binary bit (a binary bit always represents exactly two states). Therefore the baud rate may not equal the bit rate, especially in the case of recent modems, which can have (for example) up to nine bits per symbol. 通讯系统的波特率是每秒传输信息标记(symbols)数。一个symbols可能有超过两种的状态,因此,它要用多于一个二进制位来表示(一个二进制位只能表示两种状态),因此,波特率可以不等于位速率(即比特率the bit rate),尤其是对于最近的调制器而言,这种调制器的每位信息标记(symbols)往往在9位以上,详见实例。
For example, a Bell 212A modem uses Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation, and each symbol has one of four phase shifts (of 0(deg), 90(deg), 180(deg), or 270(deg)). Since it requires two bits to represent four states (00, 01, 10, and 11), the modem transmits 1,200 bits/s of information, using a symbol rate of 600 baud.例如,Bell公司的212A型调制器,用的是PSK调制,每个信息标记有4种相位(0度,90度,180度,270度),因而,需要2位(2bits)来表示这4种状态(00,01,10,11),调制器传输信息速度1200bits/s,所用的波特率(a symbol rate)为600buad。 Usually the baud rate of a modem will not equal the bit rate and is of no interest to the end user--only the data rate, in bits per second, is.调制器的每秒波特率通常并不等于它比特率,而它也不影响终端用户的数据速率。 Therefore in referring to the data rate of a modem, use bits/s (or kbits/s, etc.), not baud rate.因此,调制器的数据速率往往用比特率(bits/s 或 kbits/s等)而不用波特率表示。
Named after J. M. Emile Baudot (1845-1903), who was a French telegraph operator, who worked out a five-level code (five bits per character) for telegraphs? It was standardized as International Telegraph Alphabet Number 2, and is commonly called Baudot (and is a predecessor to ASCII). Since 2^5 is only 32 and the uppercase letters, numbers, and a few punctuation characters add to more than that, Baudot uses Shift In and Shift Out characters (ana**us to how the Caps Lock key on a PC keyboard reduces the number of keys needed by enabling each letter key to represent two characters). Baud means "state changes of the line per second" |