How can I stop "Low duty cycle mode"
When I started low duty cycle mode, It works correct, and now I want to stop it i.e. return to "idle" mode, I res Reg7(Operating & Function Control 1)'s enwt bit & Reg8 (Operating & Function Control 2)'s enldm bit to "0", but it not works!
My question is:
If I do this during "on" period of LDCM mode, i.e. SI4432 receive period, the chip will stay in receive state (can by judged from 18.5mA operation current and SPDT's control signal), but can't goto another state by control reg07's txon, rxon, xton bits.
If I do this during "sleep" period of LDCM mode, it will stay in idle mode and the mode switch by control txon, rxon & xton is correct.
I want to know if there is some operation I've miss during stop LDCM function, please tell me or send me the example code.
Thank you!
We are investigating it.
Please enable the wake-up timer interrupt, disable the low duty cycle when the interrupt happen. When the interrupt happen, poll register 0x02 until cps[1:0] != 01b, now disable LCDM.
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