对于开发无线标准协议相关的产品的来说,在实际开发过程中常常需要通过分析空中交互的数据包来分析问题,调试程序。对Zigbee相关产品的开发当然也不例外。 之前在选择TI的Zigbee芯片( CC2530/CC2531/CC2538/CC2630/CC2650/CC2652R )进行产品开发时,我们一般推荐两个抓包工具,一个是TI开发的免费抓包工具Packet Sniffer,另外一个是第三方公司Ubilogix开发的付费软件Ubiqua Packet Analyzer。对于第一个来说,优点是免费的,缺点是对Zigbee协议的解析并不好,没办法具体解析到数据包中每个字节,每个位,另外也没办法对加密的数据包进行解密分析,用户开发产品中如果使用了加密的话,使用起来非常的不方便。对于第二个软件Ubiqua Packet Analyzer来说,优点显而易见,来自一家专业做抓包工具的公司,该软件堪称Zigbee抓包工具中做的最好的一个(没有之一),除了能够完成Zigbee协议的完美解析以外,还有其他的功能可能使用。不太完美的一点是它是一个付费软件,每年需要付一定的license费用。 所以我们也一直在寻找一款既能够完成Zigbee协议数据报文解析,包括MAC,NWK, APS, ZCL等不同层次,又可以对加密数据包进行解密,而且是一款免费的工具。下面我们将介绍使用免费的Wireshark工具完成对Zigbee协议的解析。当然如果工程师想要最求最完美的Zigbee数据包解析效果,还是需要购买Ubiqua Packet Analyzer软件。 (1) Wireshark + CC2531 USB Dongle
- 2. Install the Required Software
- Connect CC Debugger(JTAG) to CC2531 USB Dongle via DEBUG connector.
- Plug-in the CC2531 USB Dongle to PC USB port for power on the device.
- Plug-in the CC Debugger USB to PC USB port.
- Open the SmartRF Flash Programmer and choose the sniffer_fw_cc2531.hex and download to CC2531 USB Dongle. The sniffer_fw_cc2531.hex file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\Packet Sniffer\bin\general\firmware
- 4. Running the Packet Sniffer
- Connect your sniffing hardware CC2531 USB Dongle to your PC via USB port.
- Start TiWsPc and select Device Configuration
- Select your IEEE channel to sniff and Click Start
- If your TiWsPc looks like this, you are ready to set up Wireshark
- Create a new Desktop shortcut for Wireshark and add the following to the path: -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data –k
This will set up the Pipe that sends data from Sniffer Agent into Wireshark.
- Open Wireshark and you will the TiWsPc looks like this.
- In Wireshark, go to Edit > Preferences > Protocols > Zigbee add the Zigbee TC Link Key “5a6967426565416c6c69616e63653039”
- You will see Wireshark sniffing Zigbee data in the setting channel as below.
- 2. Install the Required Software
- Connect the CC2650/CC2652RLP to the computer and determine the correct COM Port for your LaunchPad. It will be the “XDS110 Class Application/User UART” port for y**ice, you can determine this in Windows by going to Device Manager > Ports
- If necessary, program your relevant sniffer hardware.
- For CC2650/CC2652LP, use sniffer_fw_15_4.hex at C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments \SmartRF Tools\SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\sniffer_fw\bin\{y**ice}}\15.4 and UniFlash.
- 4. Running the Packet Sniffer
- Connect your sniffing hardware to your PC.
- Start SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2 Sniffer Agent and select Device Configuration
- Select your IEEE channel to sniff
- If your Sniffer Agent looks like this, you are ready to set up Wireshark:
- Add the TI 15.4 Wireshark Dissector to Wireshark (assuming x64 installation)
Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas Instruments\SmartRF Tools\ SmartRF Packet Sniffer 2\wireshark\plugins\2.4.x\ and copy ti802154ge-x64-2x.dll and tirpi-x64-2x.dll to C:\Program Files\Wireshark\plugins\2.4.3\
- Open Wireshark go to Edit > Preferences > Protocols > Zigbee add the Zigbee TC Link Key "5a6967426565416c6c69616e63653039"
- Close Wireshark and create a new Desktop shortcut for Wireshark and add the following to the path: -i\\.\pipe\tiwspc_data -k
This will set up the Pipe that sends data from Sniffer Agent into Wireshark
- Open Wireshark with the new shortcut and you will see Wireshark sniffing Zigbee data.
此帖子为Victor Xu 所写,有问题可以私信我或者在下面留言。 Thanks VV