FID: Odd/even field indicator or vertical lock indicator. For the odd/even indicator, a 1 indicates the odd field.
GLCO: This serial output carries color PLL information. A slave device can decode the information to allow chroma frequency control from the TVP5150 device. Data is transmitted at the SCLK rate in Genlock mode. In RTC mode, SCLK/4 is used.
Active video indicator. This signal is high during the horizontal active time of the video output on the Y and UV terminals. AVID continues to toggle during vertical blanking intervals. This terminal can be placed in a high-impedance state.
INTREQ: Interrupt request output.
GPCL: General-purpose control logic. This terminal has three functions:
1. General-purpose output. In this mode the state of GPCL is directly programmed via I2C.
2. Vertical blank output. In this mode the GPCL terminal is used to indicate the vertical blanking interval of the output video. The beginning and end times of this signal are programmable via I2C.
3. Sync lock control input. In this mode when GPCL is high, the output clock frequencies and the sync timing are forced to nominal values.