本帖最后由 jz0095 于 2020-1-16 15:18 编辑
· Static resistance (also called chordal resistance,absolute resistance or just resistance) – This is the common definition of resistance; the voltage divided by the current:[3][18][23] Rstatic=v/i. It is the inverse slope of the line (chord) from the origin through the point on the I–V curve.[6] In a power source, like a battery or electric generator, positive current flows out of the positive voltage terminal,[26] opposite to the direction of current in a resistor, so from the passive sign convention i and v have opposite signs, representing points lyingin the 2nd or 4th quadrant of the I–V plane (diagram right). Thus power sources formally have negative static resistance (Rstatic <0). [23][27][28]
引自维基 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_resistance