A:学习完成以后update status 更新0X06说明学习成功,详细请参考TRM
Figure D-2. Update Status Learning Cycle Diagram
3.2.10 Update Status www.ti.com.cn/.../sluubw5.pdf
OCV: Open circuit voltage of a battery
• Passed Charge: Coulomb counter integrated charge during battery discharge or battery charge
• Qmax: Maximum battery chemical capacity
DOD: Depth of discharge; DOD= 1-SOC (usually in %)
• DOD0: Last DOD reading before charge or discharge
RM: Remaining capacity, in mAh or mWh
• FCC: Full charge capacity, the amount of charge passed from the fully charged state to the
terminate voltage, in mAh or mWh
• SOC: State-of-charge at any moment, defined as SOC=Q/Qmax (usually in %), where Q is the Passed Charge from full charge state
Update of RM and FCC takes place after each resistance grid-point update, at the end of discharge, and
at the exit of relaxation mode.这个过程中一直在计算,只有在上面这几个点会更新FCC和RM
Q:BQ34Z100-G1的PACK-和GND 可以连在一起,使用同一个网络吗?
强烈推荐将两个地分开 ESD ground connect to PACK(-) and AGND connected to BAT(-)
详细请参考数据手册10.2.1 Ground System www.ti.com/.../bq34z100-g1.pdf