本帖最后由 keer_zu 于 2024-3-5 13:17 编辑
Previous works struggle with practicality due to their complicated spatial transformations and inflexible representations of 3D lanes.
Faced with the issues,our work proposes an efficient and robust monocular 3Dlane detection called BEV-LaneDet with three main contributions.
First, we introduce the Virtual Camera that unifiesthe in/extrinsic parameters of cameras mounted on differentvehicles to guarantee the consistency of the spatial relationship among cameras. It can effectively promote the learning procedure due to the unified visual space.
We secondlypropose a simple but efficient 3D lane representation calledKey-Points Representation. This module is more suitable torepresent the complicated and diverse 3D lane structures.
At last, we present a light-weight and chip-friendly spatial transformation module named Spatial TransformationPyramid to transform multiscale front-view features intoBEV features.