

powerwtsdu|  楼主 | 2013-4-16 16:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
周立功usbcan模块里面有个vb例程,默认的是01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08数据的发送,现在怎样改程序可以实现数据的实时收发啊,求各路大神不吝赐教啊!现在贴出原程序
Dim m_devtype As Long
Dim m_connect As Byte
Dim m_devind As Long
Dim m_cannum As Long

Private Sub Command1_Click()
    If m_connect = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("请先打开端口")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim SendType, frameformat, frametype As Byte
    Dim ID As Long
    Dim data(7) As Byte
    Dim frameinfo As VCI_CAN_OBJ
    Dim str As String
    SendType = Combo3.ListIndex
    frameformat = Combo5.ListIndex
    frametype = Combo4.ListIndex
    str = "&H"
    str = str + Text1.Text
    ID = Val(str)
    str = Text4.Text
    strdata = " "
    i = 0
    For i = 0 To 7
       strdata = Left(str, 2)
       If Len(strdata) = 0 Then
          Exit For
       End If
       str = Right(str, Len(str) - 3)
       data(i) = Val("&H" + strdata)
    frameinfo.DataLen = i
    frameinfo.ExternFlag = frametype
    frameinfo.RemoteFlag = frameformat
    frameinfo.SendType = SendType
    frameinfo.ID = ID
    For j = 0 To i - 1
        frameinfo.data(j) = data(j)
    If VCI_Transmit(m_devtype, m_devind, m_cannum, frameinfo, 1) <> 1 Then
        MsgBox ("发送数据失败")
        List1.AddItem "发送数据成功", List1.ListCount
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If m_connect = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("请先打开端口")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If VCI_StartCAN(m_devtype, m_devind, m_cannum) <> 1 Then
        MsgBox ("启动CAN错误")
        List1.AddItem "启动CAN成功", List1.ListCount
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
    If m_connect = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("请先打开端口")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If VCI_ResetCAN(m_devtype, m_devind, m_cannum) <> 1 Then
        MsgBox ("复位CAN错误")
        List1.AddItem "复位CAN成功", List1.ListCount
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
    If m_connect = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("请先打开端口")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim i As Long
    i = Combo1.ListIndex
    If i <> -1 Then
        If VCI_SetReference(m_devtype, m_devind, 0, 1, i) <> 1 Then
            MsgBox ("更改CAN波特率错误")
            List1.AddItem "更改CAN波特率成功", List1.ListCount
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click(index As Integer)
    If m_connect = 0 Then
        MsgBox ("请先打开端口")
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim i As Long
    i = Combo2.ListIndex
    If i <> -1 Then
        i = i + 1
        If VCI_SetReference(m_devtype, m_devind, 0, 3, i) <> 1 Then
            MsgBox ("更改232波特率错误")
            List1.AddItem "更改232波特率成功", List1.ListCount
        End If
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Connect_Click()
    Dim index As Long
    Dim cannum As Long
    Dim code, mask As Long
    Dim Timing0, Timing1, filtertype, Mode As Byte
    Dim InitConfig As VCI_INIT_CONFIG
    If m_connect = 1 Then
        m_connect = 0
        Connect.Caption = "连接"
        VCI_CloseDevice m_devtype, m_devind
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If Combo1.ListIndex <> -1 And Combo2.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        index = Combo1.ListIndex
        cannum = Combo2.ListIndex
        filtertype = Combo6.ListIndex
        Mode = Combo7.ListIndex
        code = Val("&H" + Text2.Text)
        mask = Val("&H" + Text3.Text)
        Timing0 = Val("&H" + Text5.Text)
        Timing1 = Val("&H" + Text6.Text)
        InitConfig.AccCode = code
        InitConfig.AccMask = mask
        InitConfig.Filter = filtertype
        InitConfig.Mode = Mode
        InitConfig.Timing0 = Timing0
        InitConfig.Timing1 = Timing1
        If VCI_OpenDevice(m_devtype, index, 0) <> 1 Then
            MsgBox ("打开设备错误")
            If VCI_InitCAN(m_devtype, index, cannum, InitConfig) = 1 Then
                m_connect = 1
                m_devind = index
                m_cannum = cannum
                Connect.Caption = "断开"
                MsgBox ("初始化CAN错误")
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Timer1.Enabled = True
    m_devtype = 4 'USBCAN2类型号
    m_connect = 0
    m_cannum = 0
    Combo1.ListIndex = 0
    Combo2.ListIndex = 0
    Combo3.ListIndex = 2
    Combo4.ListIndex = 0
    Combo5.ListIndex = 0
    Combo6.ListIndex = 0
    Combo7.ListIndex = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    If m_connect = 1 Then
        m_connect = 0
        VCI_CloseDevice m_devtype, m_devind
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    'Timer1.Enabled = False
    Dim ErrInfo As VCI_ERR_INFO
    'If m_connect = 0 Then
       ' Timer1.Enabled = True
        'Exit sub
   ' End If

    Dim length As Long
    Dim frameinfo(49) As VCI_CAN_OBJ
    Dim str As String
    length = VCI_Receive(m_devtype, m_devind, m_cannum, frameinfo(0), 50, 10)
    If length <= 0 Then
        VCI_ReadErrInfo m_devtype, m_devind, m_cannum, ErrInfo '注意:如果没有读到数据则必须调用此函数来读取出当前的错误码,
        Timer1.Enabled = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
    For i = 0 To length - 1
        str = "接收到数据帧:  "
        If frameinfo(i).TimeFlag = 0 Then
            tmpstr = "时间标识:无  "
            tmpstr = "时间标识:0x" + Hex(frameinfo(i).TimeStamp)
        End If
        str = str + tmpstr
        tmpstr = "  帧ID:0x" + Hex(frameinfo(i).ID)
        str = str + tmpstr
        str = str + "  帧格式:"
        If frameinfo(i).RemoteFlag = 0 Then
            tmpstr = "数据帧 "
            tmpstr = "远程帧 "
        End If
        str = str + tmpstr
        str = str + "  帧类型:"
        If frameinfo(i).ExternFlag = 0 Then
            tmpstr = "标准帧 "
            tmpstr = "扩展帧 "
        End If
        str = str + tmpstr
        List1.AddItem str, List1.ListCount
        If frameinfo(i).RemoteFlag = 0 Then
            str = "  数据:"
            If frameinfo(i).DataLen > 8 Then
                frameinfo(i).DataLen = 8
            End If
            For j = 0 To frameinfo(i).DataLen - 1
                tmpstr = Hex(frameinfo(i).data(j)) + " "
                str = str + tmpstr
            List1.AddItem str, List1.ListCount
        End If
    Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

    hw_Version As Integer
    fw_Version As Integer
    dr_Version As Integer
    in_Version As Integer
    irq_num As Integer
    can_num As Byte
    str_Serial_Num(19) As Byte
    str_hw_Type(39) As Byte
    Reserved(3) As Integer
End Type

Public Type VCI_CAN_OBJ
    ID As Long
    TimeStamp As Long
    TimeFlag As Byte
    SendType As Byte
    RemoteFlag As Byte
    ExternFlag As Byte
    DataLen As Byte
    data(7) As Byte
    Reserved(2) As Byte
End Type

    ErrInterrupt As Byte
    regMode As Byte
    regStatus As Byte
    regALCapture As Byte
    regECCapture As Byte
    regEWLimit As Byte
    regRECounter As Byte
    regTECounter As Byte
    Reserved As Long
End Type

Public Type VCI_ERR_INFO
    ErrCode As Long
    Passive_ErrData(2) As Byte
    ArLost_ErrData As Byte
End Type

    AccCode As Long
    AccMask As Long
    Reserved As Long
    Filter As Byte
    Timing0 As Byte
    Timing1 As Byte
    Mode As Byte
End Type

Declare Function VCI_OpenDevice Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal Reserved As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_CloseDevice Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_InitCAN Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByRef InitConfig As VCI_INIT_CONFIG) As Long

Declare Function VCI_ReadBoardInfo Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByRef info As VCI_BOARD_INFO) As Long

Declare Function VCI_ReadErrInfo Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByRef ErrInfo As VCI_ERR_INFO) As Long

Declare Function VCI_ReadCANStatus Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByRef CANStatus As VCI_CAN_STATUS) As Long

Declare Function VCI_GetReference Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByVal RefType As Long, ByRef data As Any) As Long

Declare Function VCI_SetReference Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByVal RefType As Long, ByRef data As Any) As Long

Declare Function VCI_GetReceiveNum Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_ClearBuffer Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_StartCAN Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_ResetCAN Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_Transmit Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByRef Send As VCI_CAN_OBJ, ByVal length As Long) As Long

Declare Function VCI_Receive Lib "ControlCAN.dll" (ByVal DeviceType As Long, ByVal DeviceInd As Long, ByVal CANInd As Long, ByRef Receive As VCI_CAN_OBJ, ByVal length As Long, ByVal WaitTime As Long) As Long


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