我想要掛載wifi driver 一直掛載不起來,訊息顯示GPIO 無法power on....不知道什麼原因
$ insmod bcmdhd.ko
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(int onoff)
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (4 left) **
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(int onoff)
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn off WL_REG_ON
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl(int onoff)
dhd_customer_gpio_wlan_ctrl: call customer specific GPIO to turn on WL_REG_ON
failed to power up wifi chip, retry again (3 left) **
以下省略..............................(2,1 left) no device |