Regulator 标签:


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谁删了那个关于hysteretic regulator帖子? attach_img
模拟技术论坛 GavinZ 2014-5-3 37 3191 zkybuaa 2014-5-5 11:14
Current Regulator Diodes 怎么翻译呀? digest English Corner myic200610 2008-2-15 25 5457 clslhy 2008-3-29 07:55
imx6移植usb驱动不成功(设备树方式) attachment 恩智浦MCU论坛 shengzhaodong 2015-9-16 12 6839 shengzhaodong 2015-11-10 10:56
ST MCU flycamelaaa 2024-8-16 10 360 zhizia4f 2024-8-31 21:12
这是什么IC? attach_img
电子技术交流论坛 colinzhang 2012-2-7 8 2125 colinzhang 2012-2-7 15:58
NuMicro®家族芯片内部的LDO(Low Dropout Regulator)的功能是什么,... 新唐MCU probedog 2022-2-23 7 1124 aoyi 2022-3-8 11:28
Post Regulator for Switching Supplies 是什么意思呀? English Corner myic200610 2008-5-21 7 3589 IC921 2008-6-5 00:15
MSP430内部是否自带regulator呀? 德州仪器MCU liaotian001 2011-8-10 6 2333 spark周 2011-8-12 21:33
请问这个怎么翻译 模拟技术论坛 dudu8181 2007-3-1 5 2419 iC921 2007-3-2 18:54
STM32MP135D OPTEE I2C配置问题?
ST MCU powerantone 2024-9-10 5 287 elephant00 2024-9-10 14:15
the voltage regulator is OFF ST MCU 309030106 2015-8-24 4 891 稳稳の幸福 2015-8-24 20:58
学习嵌入式小白基于4412修改电源管理芯片8767电压输出 attach_img 嵌入式操作系统论坛 linzhao789 2019-12-31 4 1559 linzhao789 2020-2-18 10:46
推强驱动能力的voltage regulator 模拟技术论坛 soso 2008-10-17 3 1810 zhomi 2008-10-19 13:02
探讨DC-DC regulator电源部分硬件的原理及PCB设计的优化措施 attach_img 电源技术 joujoulian 2015-11-13 3 2053 戈卫东 2016-4-25 22:20
移植Linux-5.4+内核到4412开发板 attach_img 嵌入式操作系统论坛 linzhao789 2020-6-24 3 921 linzhao789 2020-9-1 10:20
Battery backed-up regulator supply. 电源技术 anewlife 2008-3-21 6 3706 anewlife 2008-3-23 21:59
voltage regulator和voltage reference芯片的区别? attach_img 电源技术 savagezp 2010-1-14 8 5641 savagezp 2010-1-18 11:02
DC-DC_regulator介绍 attachment 德州仪器模拟论坛 火之意志 2012-12-25 4 1511 e2025492 2013-3-26 22:17
发两个TI的Linear and Switching Voltage Regulator Fundamental文档 attachment 电源技术 aeromoon 2013-5-21 4 1800 BruceLone 2013-8-21 20:59
“current-sinking regulator”和“current-sourcing regulator”? attach_img English Corner ElectronF0 2014-9-12 3 1342 ElectronF0 2014-9-16 16:37